Paper and pen

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Throughout the day, Ron appeared more agitated than I was about everything, which saddened me a bit. We've cut ties with Cesar, but at night...

When I woke up to find Cesar approaching me, I debated just going back to sleep. Instead, I reached for the second gun I'd kept from the other day. I briefly considered using it to threaten him again, hoping to cut short any unwelcome conversation, but it seemed like he could almost read my mind. As he kissed my back, his hand trailed down my arm, stopping at my wrist.

"No. I'll stop if you ask me to," he whispered.

But I didn't want him to stop. Despite everything, I longed to reconcile with him, to make things right. We ended up sharing a tender night together.

The next morning, I tried to lift Ron's spirits, suggesting that maybe things weren't as dire as they seemed and that there could still be a solution. We decided to brainstorm some possibilities and make a list. I headed to the office to grab paper and a pen, only to find Cesar there.

"I just need some paper and a pen," I hurriedly explained, making a beeline for the printer. He indicated that he had a pen, and I moved to take it. However, he playfully pulled it away, hiding it behind his back like a child. Then, he reached out, touching my face and gesturing for a kiss. Just as we were lost in the moment, his phone rang, breaking the spell. I stepped back.

"Your phone," I pointed out.

"Let it ring," he replied, silencing his phone. He used the distraction to lean in for another kiss, gently guiding me towards the table.

At that point, Ron interrupted us, voicing his displeasure. "You're... honestly... then don't expect me to bail you out next time. Are you even listening?" Despite hearing him, we couldn't tear ourselves away from each other. Cesar even pushed me back a bit, almost causing me to sit on the table.

Soon after, the assistant arrived, prompting us to stop. "Cesar, Shannon's on the line for you," she announced, holding the house phone. Cesar took the call, and I slipped out of the room. As I left, he handed me the pen, but Ron had lost interest in making any more lists.

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