Cesar hasn't spoken a single word since he returned

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Cesar hasn't spoken a single word since he returned, more than a week ago. Initially, we assumed he was unable to speak, but he quickly made it clear that he simply chose not to. We speculated that perhaps his injury was still troubling him in some capacity, so we refrained from pressing the matter further.

Since regaining consciousness, Cesar has been focused on rebuilding his strength. It was evident that he was diligently working towards recovery on his own, except for his voice; he seemed indifferent to reclaiming it.

Despite our efforts to uplift him, he remained persistently despondent, rarely making eye contact and isolating himself. Though I attempted to create a comforting atmosphere for him, truthfully...

His silence was killing me.

I offered hugs constantly, even if they seemed unwelcome. I showered him with affection, longing for more in return. I yearned for him to communicate with me, to confide in me about his sorrow. I wanted him to reconnect with me. Yet, each morning he would rise, prepare himself, and head out to train.

Rony bore witness to my anguish. One day, as I watched Cesar depart from the doorway, Rony embraced me and reassured:

"Don't worry, Poodle, he'll soon come back to his senses."

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