You're quite chatty, my friend

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During dinner, Cesar and Rony reached a consensus:

1 — It was undoubtedly great news; everything would be resolved on its own.

2 — They wanted this to happen as soon as possible.

This second part intrigued me.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked Cesar, awaiting his response. Cesar appeared irritated but managed to contain his temper for a few minutes. Persisting, I continued, "That's why you get so worried when..."

"Okay, you know what?" Cesar began to speak. Ron attempted to interrupt and soften his friend's tone, but his efforts were in vain. Cesar shouted, "YES! Damn it! Yes!" He then rose from his seat, gesticulating wildly, "Yes, I want to leave, and yes, I wish I had already left!" I stood there, amazed, possibly in shock. He didn't stop there. "And don't you dare look at me like that. It's not fair to keep me STUCK here with you!"

His last words hurt me deeply, causing me to flee the scene. I sought solace in the bedroom, where I succumbed to tears. So many emotions overwhelmed me.

Recollections flooded my mind of when I felt loved by him; the most agonizing thoughts consumed me.

Realizing he wasn't going to leave, I contemplated departing myself. Perhaps I'd seek Guilherme's assistance in finding a new place to stay.

Yet, I was torn. Rony and Cesar were my closest semblance of family at present. They meant everything to me, and the prospect of navigating an unfamiliar place alone was daunting.

They could be everything to me, but they wanted to leave. Perhaps that's precisely why the notion of staying weighed so heavily on me—the extent of my dependency on them.

But what was I to do?

As panic set in, Ron knocked on the door.

"Hey, Poodle," he said, entering the room. Seating himself beside me, he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and reassured, "You know he didn't mean that. That guy is crazy about you. He will never..."

"Yes, I will," came Cesar's loud and clear voice, revealing his presence at the doorway. "No more lies, Ron," he continued, shocking us with his persistent demeanor. Admittedly, my spoiled side struggled to cope with the situation. "I'll leave as soon as she's okay."

"For someone who was practically mute until the other day, you're quite chatty, my friend," remarked Ron.

"I can't take it anymore," Cesar confessed, burdened by the weight of the world.

"We heard you the first time," Ron retorted, still taking my side.

"Good!" Cesar exclaimed, exiting toward the hallway, presumably heading for the bathroom to shower.


"No," I interjected. "Please don't say anything. I understand what you're trying to do, and I appreciate it. But please, just... don't say anything else."

Respecting my wishes, Rony left to smoke.

After two minutes of contemplation, I realized the only course of action left.

I donned my sturdiest and most comfortable attire, gathered essential documents, and stuffed pockets with money and cards. The rest, I packed into a small bag. Without a backward glance, I leaped out of my bedroom window and headed in the opposite direction from Ron. My destination was clear: the dungeon.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now