Lilly's Interjection: The cat and the mouse

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I once heard a story about a cat and a mouse. The cat was constantly chasing the mouse, and the mouse, in turn, was always causing trouble for the cat. One day, both tired of the endless conflict, they decided to call a truce. The cat ceased its pursuit, and the mouse stopped bothering the cat. In the newfound peace, they began to truly see each other.

To their surprise, they discovered they had a lot in common and even started to admire one another. The former adversaries transformed into great friends, becoming inseparable companions. One day, the cat felt overwhelming joy because of something delightful the mouse had done – so much so that the cat couldn't resist giving the mouse a kiss.

But in that moment, the cat remembered the taste of the past, and the reason for the cat's perpetual chasing of the mouse came rushing back.

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