The Flower's District

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After work, I headed straight home to change into more comfortable clothes, eager for my new adventure in the city.

"Going out again?" Cesar asked, a lingering discomfort evident in his eyes from my previous date with Ian. Wanting to clear the air, I decided to address that part at least.

"Yes, but I'm going alone. You can probably tell by my outfit."

"I never know. Where are you off to then?"

I thought it best to keep it a secret for now, wanting to grasp the essence of the vampire story before revealing anything.

"I'll tell you later. See ya!"

I took a taxi to the flower district, disembarking in the heart of the neighborhood. This area must be stunning during the day, with trees and blooming flowers everywhere. However, I couldn't spot any old houses, despite searching extensively.

Then, I observed someone disappearing into what seemed like a crack in the wall. Intrigued, I followed and discovered an opening covered in damaged vegetation, suggesting frequent use.

On the other side, I saw exactly what the old woman had described—a group of students in front of an old house, discussing and taking notes. A single window emitted light, and I sensed a different energy inside.

A figure appeared in the window, seemingly the vampire, thin with curly hair. Supposedly, that was Guilherme, and as he felt my presence, I felt his. The figure lingered for a while, then vanished. The students went into a frenzy, eager to record the event.

I decided to approach one of them to learn more about the experiment.

"Hello!" I said, smiling at a girl engrossed in her writing.

"Hi," she replied, slightly annoyed at the interruption.

"What are you doing?" I asked politely.

"Studying vampirism," she replied, anticipating a negative reaction.

"Cool! What are you writing?"

She sighed, adjusted her glasses, and explained, "There are four vampires inside that house. Three are still asleep, and one, Guilherme, is awake. I suppose you find this hard to believe, and to be honest, I don't really care," she concluded defensively. Ignoring her skepticism, I asked, "Do you talk to him regularly?"

"Every night, one of us spends time with him. Then, when he gets tired, he sends us away, and we return the next day."

"But isn't it dangerous?"

"We always bring him something to eat, so he doesn't need to feed on us," she explained, seemingly proud of the arrangement. Intrigued, she asked, "How did you get here?"

"I heard a lady talking about this at the fair."

"Argh! Zelda!"

"We should offer her to Guilherme!" suggested a young man nearby.

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked, trying to fit in.

"I'm Velma."

"Nice to meet you; I'm Sarah."

A few minutes later, a young man emerged from the house and approached us.

"How was it?" Velma asked, but he ignored her and focused on me.

"Who are you?" he asked directly.

"I'm Sarah."

"Where are you from?"

"I was born in Brazil."

As everyone stared at me for some reason, the young man appeared to calm down.

"Ah, that explains it then."

He looked around and announced, "Guilherme felt she was different. He said she could understand him better than any of us." Then, seemingly reluctant, he added, "He wants her on our next visit."

Commotion ensued, with some students unhappy about the news. Velma came over to talk to me.

"Why didn't you say you were Brazilian?"

"I didn't think it was necessary. Is Guilherme also from Brazil?"

"Portugal," she replied, and I realized they thought Guilherme would feel more comfortable speaking Portuguese, as all the students were locals. While I knew there was more to it, the language excuse served its purpose.

"He led her here!" someone in the crowd shouted.

"Shut up! Zelda led her here!"

"So he induced Zelda!"

"He didn't induce anyone to do anything!" Velma shouted. "Let's go now. We have to prepare Sarah for tomorrow's visit."

My heart raced. I couldn't believe it—I was going to meet a real vampire!

Instructions were given: "Don't talk to him unless he talks to you," "Don't make him angry," "Don't roam around the house," and lessons on defending myself with a stake. Yes, a stake.

Everything felt fantastic! When I got home, I wanted to share everything with Cesar, but, once again, he was already asleep.

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