The new job

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The next day, early in the morning, Vince mentioned:

"There's a restaurant not far from here. They're hiring."

"Really?" I responded.

"Yes," Vince told me, showing the ad in a local newspaper. "Why don't you go and have a look?"

"Will do!" I replied, excitedly. "Thanks."

After finishing my breakfast, I got ready in my best clothes. Vince was in the living room as I strolled by, and he seemed happy to see me.

"Good luck," he said.

"Thanks. I'll need it," I said before leaving.

Indeed, the restaurant was close by. I spoke to the manager, and he soon agreed to hire me. I would start the next day.

Excited, I returned home. Upon arrival, I found Vince drinking with two friends in the kitchen. He stopped the conversation and looked at me, curious.

"And?" he asked.

"I got the job!" I replied, euphoric.

"You got the job?" Vince repeated, surprised.

"Yes, I start tomorrow!"

"Wow, that's great, Lilly. I'm very happy for you."

"Thank you," I said, euphorically. "I'll leave you to your conversation now," I added, and rushed up the stairs, excited about the idea of starting a new life.

The next day, I started my new job. It involved a lot of manual labor, but I didn't mind. When I returned home in my uniform, it caught everyone's attention. Markus and Vince had some cheeky remarks about my uniform, but I just smiled and went up to my room.

The week flew by, largely because I couldn't stay awake for long after work. Once, I almost fell asleep sitting at the dining table, but Vince woke me up, and I went to bed.

On Sunday, I had my first day off. I spent the whole day resting and watching television. Later in the afternoon, Vince joined me.

At first, he asked some random questions about what I was watching, making generic comments. I handed him the remote control, but he didn't want to switch channels. Some time later, he spoke.

"You know... I'm very impressed with you and the way things turned out."


"Yeah... For a second, I thought you were fooling me and that you'd never get a job, but you did."

"Yes. Soon I'll be able to stand on my own two feet."

"There's no rush. Now that you're working, I know it's only a matter of time before you find your own place. And I want you to find a good place, so... you can take it easy, okay?"


Then, Vince grabbed my feet and started massaging them.

"I think you could use a nice foot massage, huh? Working lady."

"That sounds good."

"Yeah. Especially now that we know each other a little better."

We stayed there for a while longer, and then I kissed him again.

"You know... I never really got to... thank you for everything you're doing for me."


The next day, he was already awake when I went down to work. He reached out his hand and pulled me into a nice hug. I could smell the aftershave. He kissed me and said:

"Have a great day at work."

"I certainly will... Especially after this good morning treat."

He smiled, and I left.


The weeks went by quickly, just like the next ones. Vince and I didn't get back together, but I caught the look in his eyes when he passed by.


The day I received my first paycheck, I returned home elated. It was busy, as always, but I went straight to talk to Vince. I threw the envelope on the table in front of him.

"What's that?" he asked.

"This is my first paycheck..." I began, but then I interrupted myself. "And it's all yours for all the work you did to get me here."

The people around cheered, and Vince was impressed.

"It doesn't pay for everything you spent on me, but it's a start."

Vince pulled me towards him and gave me a hug.

"You don't owe me anything."

"But I want you to keep it. After all, I wouldn't have found this job if it weren't for you."

Vince kissed me, and everyone celebrated. I soon moved away from him and went upstairs.

I rushed to take a shower and get ready for bed, as I always do. I think I was already asleep when I heard a knock on the door. It was Vince.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No... I was just..." I laughed. "resting my eyes."

"Right..." he chuckled, then entered the room and sat on my bed, holding the envelope.

"Look..." he began. "I understand what you're doing, and I appreciate it, but... why don't you take that money and save it for your rent?"

I confess it felt like a punch in the stomach.

"Alright," I managed to say.

"Hey," he corrected himself, seeing my expression. "All I want to do is help you..."

"I understood."

"No, no, no, no... hey..." he said, getting closer. "I just want to help you."

"At least you're giving me time to..." I started to say, but I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Nooooo, no, Lilly! That's not it... Look..."

"I think I'm just tired."

"You can pay me later. It's just... you need that money now, more than I do."


"I'll leave it on your bedside table."

"Alright. Goodnight."

Embarrassed and seemingly heartbroken, Vince left the envelope there and exited the room.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now