To them, I was known as Sarah

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After lunch, I texted Vince to meet somewhere else, and he agreed. We ended up at a nearby bar. Vince seemed to be unimpressed as he arrived.

"What's up, my dear sir?" I commented with a smile, but he didn't respond and just sat down. The waiter came to take our order, and Vince asked for water. Out of politeness, I requested the same.

"You can start talking," he ordered impatiently. Sensing his impatience, I took a deep breath, trying to figure out where to start.

"I don't know where to begin..."

"Why don't we start with the money?" Vince interjected, barely looking at me. "Where did you get the money to pay for your hotel stay?"

"That money was mine, from my previous jobs," I explained.

"What kind of jobs? That guy thought I was your customer."

"Oh no, not that kind of job," I corrected immediately.

"Are you sure? I mean, you don't seem to resist certain things very much."

"I know what you mean, but no. I was a financial consultant for a large company."

"What was the name of the company?" Vince inquired further.

I proceeded to tell him the name of the company, my exact position, and what I did there.

"I suppose you wouldn't mind if I called to check..."

"You can call, but I'd prefer if you didn't," I replied.

"Why not?" Vince pressed on. As I pondered my response, he lowered his head, trying to understand me, and then said, "Did you sleep with someone in the office?" When I remained silent, he assumed the answer was yes. "But you really won't stop at anything! Gosh! So if I call and ask about Li..."

"Sarah," I corrected him.

"Beg your pardon?"

"To them, I was known as Sarah," I clarified.

Vince stared at me in disbelief. "Who are you?"

"You know who I am; you saw my documents."

"But how can I be sure if this is real? You could be anyone as far as I know."

"I'm telling you the truth. You'll just have to trust me."

"Hmm," he scoffed. "And those guys? Narcolepsy and..."

"Narcolepsy is a very close friend, almost like a brother to me," I explained.

"But you were alone in that cave when we met."

"We had a disagreement that day. I was irritated."

"And now everything is okay? Are you not angry anymore?"

"It is. I'm even living with them."

"You what?!" Vince exclaimed, unable to accept it. He threw his napkin down, pushed his chair back, and got up. "Good luck to you." He tossed some bills onto the table and left, leaving me there feeling embarrassed.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now