The phenomenon of losing a piece of one's sanity.

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After Lilian's car pulled away, Cesar waited for five minutes before heading to an old tool room at the back of the house. Once there, he let out his frustration by wrecking everything in sight.

Without realizing it, being around Lilian had sparked a desire in Cesar that only became clear when they were together. He couldn't quite understand why Lilian insisted she could never be his wife, but he suspected it had something to do with his role as her guardian.

Cesar couldn't fathom why Lilian would choose to go out with someone like Ian. In his eyes, Ian was just another guy, and Lilian was far more special to him than she could ever be to Ian or anyone else.

Being Lilian's guardian had become more of a burden than a responsibility for Cesar. The question of why she rejected the idea of being his wife weighed heavily on his mind.

To cool off, he took a shower, but the anger persisted. In need of help, he approached the staff for something to help him sleep. The last thing he wanted was to witness Lilian's return from her date.

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