Is this some kind of joke to you?

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(external narrator)

Cesar approached Ron, visibly irritated, and thrust his cell phone in front of him, displaying a photo.

"Now, tell me if this is normal," Cesar demanded.

Ron glanced at the screen, observing Lilian seemingly kissing two men.

"Check the next one," Cesar instructed tersely.

Ron complied, swiping to the next photo revealing Lilian entering a room with the two men.

"You go, Lilly!" Ron remarked casually.

"Is this some kind of joke to you?" Cesar snapped.

"She's free to do as she pleases," Ron retorted.

"She's the mother, damn it!"


Growing increasingly annoyed, Cesar stormed off.

"Oh, and quit it with the Observers nonsense. If you told her to leave, then let her," Ron called after Cesar, who slammed the door behind him.

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