What a beating!

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I woke up in the morning to find a snake passing by my side. Before I could react, I felt two hands lifting me off the ground. It was Cesar.

"What a beating!" he exclaimed, assessing the situation. "Who did you upset this time?"

He ushered me to his car, and we headed home. When I finally saw myself in the mirror, I looked horrible, with dried blood mixed with sand and all. I took a refreshing shower while he brewed some tea.

I hurried in the shower, fearing he might disappear before I got out. He had just finished boiling the water when he remarked, "Already? Are you sure you've thoroughly showered?"

I couldn't hold back and dashed towards him, hugging him from behind as I used to do.

"I'm glad you're here."

"Now, care to explain why I found you in such a state?" he asked, concerned.

"Velma sought revenge for..." Then I remembered Les. "Cesar, I have something more urgent to tell you!"

"Ah, so she finally got back at you for stealing all her vampires," he remarked, before his expression turned serious. 

"Les has found me."

At that moment, it was a good thing he wasn't holding anything fragile, or he might have dropped or broken it.

"What?" he exclaimed.

"He went to the vampires looking for me. He saw me the day I went to the pub with Guilherme. What should we do? Should we go after him?"

"No, we'll wait. He'll seek you out sooner or later," he replied calmly.

"But will you stay with me then? To protect me?"

"I can protect you from where I am. Now, drink your tea," he said, gently nudging me to focus on the present.

"No, please come back. How can I sleep now that Les knows where I am?" I pleaded.

"But he doesn't know where I am," he reassured. 

"Can I come and stay with you?"

"No, you need to stay here. I'll know what to do when he comes. Don't worry," he assured me.

"Don't leave me here alone, please," I begged.

"You don't need to worry; I'll keep an eye on you," he promised.

Feeling torn, I sat down to drink tea and started to cry. He ignored my tears and went to clean the kitchen.

"You need some things here, or you'll soon be eating dust... in fact, there's plenty of that around here," he quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

I remained silent. When he finished tidying up, he came to me and hugged me, saying, "I'll always be around. Don't worry. Just as I came today, I'll come for you whenever you need me. You're not alone." He planted a kiss on my cheek. "Now, I have to go give the boys some instructions and leave a shopping list so you don't starve. I'll be right back."

And just like that, he was gone. I finished my tea and watched television. About half an hour later, he returned with a card in his hand, saying, "Here's my phone number. Call me whenever you need, okay?"

I didn't say anything. He left the card, kissed me on the cheek, and bid goodbye.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now