Josephine, Margerie, Kilta, Lars, Jepsen...

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Cesar came to a sudden stop, his expression reflecting shock as he processed the entirety of the situation. Panting, he collapsed onto the bed beside me.

"Don't think about it so much," I asked him.

"You have no idea how many times I..." he started, interrupted by my understanding nod.

He lay there, deep in thought, then suddenly perked up, turning around to embrace me. "YES! I want to have twelve children!" he exclaimed, hugging me and peppering me with kisses.

"What? Twelve!?" I protested, playfully fending off his enthusiasm.

"Lars, Philip..." he continued, listing names between kisses. "Josephine, Margerie, Kilta... Elenore, Jepsen..." he added with zeal. "Have you thought about it? A group of thirty people, all of them being my children."

His excitement made it feel as if I had just breathed life into him and reclaimed my own.

The following day, I had a smile on my face as I headed to work. Despite the savageness of my night with my guardian, memories of the previous night lingered.

My thoughts were interrupted by Ian, as he appeared at my office around ten o'clock.

"Forgive me," Ian said, wearing a dramatic expression.

"Don't worry; there's nothing to forgive," I assured him.

"My father needed my help to..."

"It's okay," I interrupted.

"Were you upset?" he asked, less appealingly.

"Not one bit."

"Are you sure?"


"Would you consider going out with me tonight then?" he asked, prompting deep contemplation. After what happened with Cesar, dating Ian felt complex. As he was about to leave, he acknowledged my pensive expression. "Yeah... well, I figured as much."

This left me questioning if I made the right decision. Depending on Cesar and transforming everything into a relationship seemed unwise. Everything with Cesar was wonderful, but what if I fell in love? What if I was already in love after just one night? It felt risky, too intense, with someone I completely depended on.

"Can we try once more?" I asked before Ian could exit.

On my way home, I pondered how to handle the situation. Cesar greeted me with kisses upon my arrival.

"I need to get ready..." I murmured between kisses, avoiding eye contact. Sensing something, he loosened his embrace to pay attention. "I'm going out with Ian," I confessed, leaving Cesar perplexed. "Look..." I mustered the courage to explain, "I loved every second of it, but we both know I could never be your wife."

He studied my expression for a moment, before finally letting me go. I quickly got ready and tried to smooth things over before leaving.

"I don't think anything will happen. It's just business."

"Do whatever you want," he replied, signaling the end of the conversation. Sensing his reluctance to discuss it further, I left immediately, grappling with the uncertainty of my decisions and the complexities of my emotions.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now