You clown

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The days went by smoothly until one afternoon when I was invited for a few beers after work. As we passed by a fancy restaurant, I glanced inside and spotted Vince having dinner with a very elegant and well-groomed woman.

"Hold on," I said to my coworkers as I entered the restaurant.

"May I help you?" asked the receptionist, noticing my attention on a particular table.

"I just need to..." I trailed off, then proceeded inside. Vince noticed me as soon as I walked through the door. "Hi," I said, approaching him.

"And you are?" asked the woman who was with him, with the receptionist standing behind me.

"You clown!" I exclaimed, locking eyes with Vince. 

The woman he was with then addressed him, "Do you know this alien?"

Before I could respond, Vince stood up and escorted me outside.

"Go home," he instructed, turning back into the restaurant. Two security guards positioned themselves at the entrance, indicating they would prevent me from reentering. I watched Vince return to his table and resume his conversation with the woman, while my companions ushered me towards the pub.

I was so stressed that I ended up getting drunk at the bar. When I got home, I collapsed onto the couch and only stirred to go to work the next day.

In the middle of the afternoon, Vince showed up at the restaurant where I worked. He glanced at me and headed straight for the register. I pretended not to notice and continued with my tasks.

He ordered a sandwich, a coffee, and a glass of water, then quietly sat down to eat.

At one point, after finishing his coffee and sandwich, he looked at me and casually pushed the glass of water off the table with the back of his hand, causing it to spill onto the floor. I grabbed my cleaning cart and went over to clean up the mess.

"We need to talk," he said.

"No, we don't," I replied.

"Can't you take a 5-minute break or something?" he pressed.

"I'm not going to," I insisted.

"What time do you get off today?" he inquired.

"It doesn't matter."

"I can spill water all day, Lilly."

After I finished cleaning, I parked my cart in a corner and approached him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Look... what you saw was... business..." Vince began.

"Business?" I interjected.

"Very different from what happened at home," he clarified.

I was too angry to respond, so he softened his tone and asked, "Can I come back tonight so we can talk?"

"Sure," I agreed.

"Great. See you later then," he said before leaving.

Later that evening, I heard Vince shouting my name from the street.

"Hey, Sarah! Sa-rah!" he called out. I went to the window, and when he caught my eye, I buzzed him in.

As he approached, I opened the door for him. He greeted me with a breathless kiss.

"Hi," he said, smiling, and then kissed me again. I closed the door behind him as he guided me towards the bed. Amidst kisses and laughter, he carried me around the room like a rag doll.

"But wait! Wait!" I protested, and he responded, "What?"

"And what about your business?" I questioned.

"Well..." he paused. "I'm here now."

I found his conclusion amusing, and though I wasn't about to let him off the hook entirely, I couldn't resist the chance to spend time with him like this.

And Vince didn't disappoint. I was so caught up in the moment that I ended up having a lot of fun (and satisfaction). After we both were satisfied, rested, and lying together, I brought up the subject again.

"So... tell me about your business," I prompted.

He took a deep breath and began to explain, "She's from another segment of the same business I'm in, working with some big players there. I saw an opportunity to get closer and took it."

"What happened after the restaurant?" I asked, but he remained silent. "Did you sleep with her?" I pressed.

After a moment's contemplation, his expression darkened. "And you, did you sleep with Markus at my place?"

I felt a surge of anger and embarrassment and turned away from him. Unsure of what to do, I grabbed the first thing I saw (which happened to be his shirt), put it on, and headed to the kitchen for a drink. Ethyl alcohol would have been a valid option if it had been the only thing available at that moment. While I drank, Vince put on his underwear and joined me in the living room.

"I guess we're not so different when it comes to survival," he remarked.

The thought of him with that woman infuriated me even more, especially considering she had called me an alien. These thoughts led me to think of Cesar, and then I turned away from Vince, fearing I might start crying, but I quickly composed myself.

"Well, it hurts!" I exclaimed, taking another sip of the vodka I found. "You and that woman..."

Vince seemed to soften at my distress and approached me. He gently took the glass from my hand.

"Come on, you don't need that," he said, before embracing me. "Try not to dwell on it too much."

We stayed like that for a while, holding each other, before I decided to take a shower. He didn't join me. While I showered, he got dressed and commented, "So, you did sleep with Markus at my place."

I didn't respond. He waited for me on the sofa in the living room. When I emerged from the bathroom, I joined him and nestled into his arms, exchanging small kisses.

"Take care of yourself while I'm gone, and try not to dwell on it too much, okay?" he said.

"Okay," I agreed.

"We'll see each other soon," he assured me.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now