We're the perfect dysfunctional family

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Cesar likely took some action regarding the divorce. Our assistant and some of the household staff were being more attentive to me. In fact, the assistant even asked me for a hug in the morning. I think she would have known if Cesar had initiated the request.

During coffee, she remarked that the day was hot, perfect for a swim in the pool.

"Can I set aside a few swimsuits for you to choose from?" she asked.


"Great! I'll also check the pool temperature."

I thought it was nice that the house's pool was heated.

Back in the room, she had me try on some super sexy bikinis, even some unconventional ones, but I ended up choosing a more traditional one. It was still quite revealing, but among the options, it seemed the most practical. She seemed excited for me. If I guessed correctly, she might be trying to reconcile me with Cesar.

I put on a sheer robe to at least feel somewhat dressed before heading to the pool. After checking myself in the mirror and seeing that everything looked fine, I went out.

As I approached the pool, I felt someone touch my arm.

"Come with me," Cesar said, leading me toward the pool's bathroom.

Once inside, he leaned me against the beautiful white marble sink and kissed me.

"Sometimes I forget your roots, girl from Ipanema," he said, kissing my shoulders and neck before turning me around for another kiss. "I love it."

Cesar and I spent some time together in that beautiful beige marble bathroom by the pool. It was so pleasant that we lingered a while longer, sharing kisses and laughter.

Afterward, he decided to join me in the pool, clothes and all. Even from a distance, we could hear Ron laughing.

In the perfectly heated pool, he pulled me into an embrace, and we kissed and hugged like teenagers.

"Jeeeesus!" Ron exclaimed, approaching. "Can't you give it a rest so I can join the pool?"

"Come on in, Ron! The temperature is perfect!" I called out enthusiastically.

"I'd say it's more than perfect for you," Ron joked.

"I'm serious, come!"

Ron jokingly mimicked a clown and playfully fell into the pool with his clothes on.

We were all having fun when we heard a familiar voice.

"Mind if I join the fun?"

It was Shannon.

Cesar laughed loudly and said, "Go for it!"

Shannon smiled and replied, "Maybe another time. May I speak with you for a sec?"

"Of course," Cesar said, heading towards the pool stairs.

"It will be just a minute, guys," Shannon said.

Cesar left, and they walked back to the house. When they were out of earshot, Ron said, "I think she's here to give him heroin. Should we intervene?"

"Let's go."

We entered the house and headed straight for the master bedroom (no surprise there). The door was slightly open, and as I walked in, I saw Cesar sitting on the bed facing Shannon. He was shirtless, looking ordinary. She ran her hand over his chest while discreetly handing him a small package.

"I always hated the decor in this room!" I exclaimed, startling them both. "Shall we redecorate?"

I grabbed a skewer near the fireplace and began smashing everything in sight—pots, decorations, vases—sending shards flying. Cesar quickly escorted Shannon out while I vented my frustration.

"In our bedroom?!" I shouted, smashing a large vase. After they left, Ron approached me, signaling for me to calm down.

"Alright, that's enough," he said.

I was still panting and on edge. When I finally stopped, Ron could see I was on the verge of breaking down. He hugged me at just the right moment, and I buried my face in his embrace, letting out my pent-up emotions. He comforted me until I regained my composure.

As I pulled away, I asked, "Oh, what are we doing?"

"We go along with the chaotic scene he's created. That's it. We're the perfect dysfunctional family."

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now