DNA memories

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At night, Rony came to our room.

"How's our distinguished guest?" Cesar asked.

"Fine, I suppose. Listen..." Rony began tiredly. "The only way to do this is if we go together."

"What? No!" Cesar replied.

"I know what you're thinking, but I've thought a lot about it and... Either we all go, or we have no deal." Cesar looked at him thoughtfully. Rony continued, "Look, it's about Mary. I don't want to turn my back on her, especially when her son came here in person asking for help. I can't ignore that request. On the other hand, I don't trust you two alone, so I need you to come with me." Then he turned his attention to Cesar. "Since you're the only one with a schedule, we depend on you. Check in the morning when you can take a few days off. Please do it as soon as possible."

Cesar took a deep breath. "Alright. Let's not discuss this now. I'll check my schedule in the morning, and we'll go from there."

"Great. Thank you very much, and now I leave you two alone. Good night, Poodle."

"Good night, Ron."

We lay down, but Cesar couldn't sleep. I called to him a couple of times, but he told me to go back to sleep.

At breakfast, our guest was already seated at the table with Ron when we arrived.

"Good morning," Cesar said, suspiciously.

"Let's try to have a civilized breakfast," Rony requested.

"Fine by me," Chaos commented.

We sat in silence for a while, then when Rony was about to say something, Cesar spoke up.

"Sorry, but I can't eat at the same table with someone who tried to drain my energy."

"Just finish breakfast and check your schedule," Rony urged.

"It's absurd that he's..."

"VERONICA!" Rony interrupted, silencing Cesar.

"What?" Cesar asked.

"Do you remember when you made Lilian try a soup that Veronica made, knowing that it was the same Veronica who poisoned Lilian before!?"

"And it wasn't him," I explained to Cesar.

"It wasn't him what?" Rony inquired.

"His friend was the one who nearly killed Cesar, not him."

"Exactly," Chaos confirmed.

Cesar slammed his hand on the table and stood up. "I've lost my appetite." And he went to his office.

After he left, Chaos asked quietly, "Were you two already a couple back then?"

He reminded me so much of Joe that it made my heart ache. "Not yet."

"Now that I know I look a lot like your late husband, could that be causing jealousy in him?"

"No. It's not like that."

"Well, I wouldn't want to deal with a jealous man."

"Hey, you won't have to deal with anyone," Rony concluded.

In the afternoon, I returned to the pool, and Rony joined me, sitting in a chair. We chatted nonsense as usual, and I noticed that Rony was on his phone more than usual.

"What are you doing?"

"Browsing social media," he replied, continuing our conversation.

At one point, he said he was going to get a drink and immediately got up to leave, leaving me alone there. I just wet my hair but stayed in the same position with my arms resting on the pool edge in front of the lounger where he was.

It didn't take long until I heard someone splash into the water. The person was diving, so it took me a while to see who it was. When he finally emerged, I felt a chill in my stomach seeing that it was Chaos.

"Hey there," he said, coming to the pool edge.


"They found shorts for me."

"Cool," I replied, but then turned forward, subtly indicating that I didn't want to talk.

"You know, I wanted to apologize," he continued, coming to the pool edge to talk to me. Before he could lean on the edge, I moved away a bit. From what little I knew about him, he might try to drown me. By the way, how was I alone with him?

"There's no need."

"After our encounter, my mother released the 'DNA' memories to me."

I looked at him, not quite understanding what he meant. He continued, "I remember everything now."

"Remember everything what?"

"Now I have his memories too. That's why I need to apologize for what happened in the desert."

So now he had all of Joe's memories? Not only did he look like Joe, but he also knew everything Joe went through? I stayed in shock looking at him. Rony came running back.

"Hey, folks! What did I miss?"

Not knowing what to do, I thought it best to leave. "Nothing. I need to go," I said, getting out of the pool.

I took a shower but couldn't stop thinking about it. When I came out of the shower, I looked out the window and saw Chaos and Rony heading back home. Now that being, that walking creature, that hellish clone not only looked a lot like Joe but also had all of his memories. In some ways, he was Joe.

Before entering, he looked up and saw me.

Later, we had dinner practically in silence. The little conversation that occurred was:

"Have you chosen a date to visit my mother?" Chaos asked Rony. Rony looked at Cesar in response.

"We're going in a week."


From that day on, I started avoiding Chaos. I didn't eat with them, and whenever I could, I stayed on the opposite side of the house. Fortunately, Cesar managed to get us to travel soon.

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