Sad day

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I rushed to the bathroom just to confirm my suspicion. My period had arrived, accompanied by intense cramps. I spent the rest of the day lying down while Cesar and Rony were bickering about what to do regarding MaryAnne and Chaos. I managed to get some sleep, but as night fell, the cramps worsened. When I went to the bathroom, I realized I was bleeding too heavily. Apart from the pain, I felt incredibly weak, so I climbed into the bathtub and stayed there until whatever had to happen, happened. I grew weaker and weaker, and then... I returned as if I had just 'healed.' However, the pain and bleeding came back with me. I tried calling for Cesar, but each attempt left me more dizzy. Eventually, I passed out again.

This repeated at least ten times throughout the night. The amount of blood was overwhelming. It felt like I was only healing to lose all the blood again. I started crying and tried to make enough noise to wake Cesar up, but to no avail. I passed out once more.

When I regained consciousness, Rony was holding me while Cesar was grouching nearby.

"Lilly, what's wrong?" Rony asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Cramps..." I managed to say, tears streaming down my face, still feeling very weak.

"You're bleeding to death, here!" Cesar said.

"It hurts!"

With that, I burst into tears again and passed out once more. When I came to, both Cesar and Rony were in the bathroom.

I just looked at them, tears flowing freely again because the pain persisted.

"Are you still in pain?" Rony asked, his concern palpable. I simply nodded. "Something's not right."

"We need to call a doctor," Cesar grumbled.

"Hang in there, Poodle," Rony reassured me. "Help will be here soon."

I passed out again, and when I woke up next, there was a sense of urgency in the room. The doctor had arrived. I didn't fully grasp what they were discussing. He quickly examined me and began removing something from me.

"Towel!" he exclaimed, and Cesar promptly handed one to him. He wrapped what he had removed from me in the towel and handed it to Cesar before continuing his work.

"Hang in there, Lilly," Rony pleaded as he held me, assisting the doctor.

After everything was removed, the bleeding finally stopped. They turned on the shower to wash me, and despite feeling groggy, I was still alive.

During the shower, I passed out again.

I woke up later, warm and comfortable in bed. The doctor was pleased to see me and exchanged some words with the two of them before leaving us alone.

"How are you feeling?" Rony asked gently.

"Better," I replied weakly. "What happened?"

Rony looked at Cesar, waiting for him to explain.

"You had a miscarriage," Cesar said softly.

I stared at him for a while, and then Rony left us alone. Cesar sat in the armchair in front of me, looking devastated.

"How far along?" I managed to ask.

"A couple of months, maybe," Cesar replied quietly.

I didn't want to say anything more. In fact, I didn't want to know anything more after that ordeal.


"Mr. Innis, sir," James spoke up, entering the room with a serious expression.

"Yes, James?" Mr. Innis replied, setting aside his work to give James his full attention.

"We've received troubling news about the mother," James began cautiously.

"Go on," Mr. Innis prompted, his tone reflecting concern.

"I'm afraid she's had another miscarriage," James delivered the news with a somber tone.

"Another one? How did this happen?" Mr. Innis's voice carried a mix of disbelief and concern, memories of the previous miscarriage still haunting him.

"It seems she spontaneously lost a lot of blood, resulting in the loss of the unborn child," James explained.

"Spontaneously? That's absurd," Mr. Innis remarked, the incredulity evident in his tone. "Who was with her when it happened?"

"Cesar and Rony were there. They managed the situation with the help of the hotel doctor," James provided the details.

Mr. Innis processed the information, his mind already forming questions. "Where did this take place?"

"In a city near Cairo," James answered promptly.

"And what were they doing there?" Mr. Innis delved deeper into the circumstances.

"They were fetching MaryAnne from the tunnels," James revealed.

"MaryAnne..." Mr. Innis uttered her name, his thoughts hinting at suspicion.

"Yes, their son reached out to Rony for help. That's why they were there," James clarified.

Mr. Innis took a moment to think, then spoke firmly, "I need to know Adile's exact location. Don't send pigeons, just find out where she is."

James nodded, understanding the urgency. "Right away, sir."

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now