I wanted to be with him again

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The next day, I headed to work early, determined to catch up on the tasks I'd missed in the past few days. At around ten in the morning, Ian walked into my room.

"Hello, Sarah. I missed you yesterday."

"Yeah, I can see there's a lot of work to catch up on, but don't worry. Let your father know I've got it covered, I'm on top of it" I responded, understanding the subtle reference.

"I'd rather see you on top of something else..."

I glanced at him and replied curtly, "I didn't like your comment. Please, don't say that again."

"Okay, my bad," he said, maintaining his seductive look. Slowly approaching my table, he continued, "Just one kiss, and I promise to leave you alone."

"No," I said, lacking seriousness. However, I quickly added, "Just... go," in a friendly manner, encouraging him to step back.

"You haven't paid the price yet," he stated, moving even closer. My mind was preoccupied with vampires, and Cesar was already upset about not getting my attention. I had neither the mental capacity nor the time to deal with Ian right now.

Our night was pleasant, but that was about it.

Taking a risk, I decided to be firm with Ian. "Are you harassing me?"

His eyes changed completely, revealing anger. Nervously, he straightened up, apologized, and left the room. As soon as he exited, I couldn't help but smile. Seeing him upset like that was oddly satisfying.

After the conversation with Cesar, I thought it would be better to go home and stay there instead of visiting the vampires. Cesar was also important to me, and I wanted to spend time with him.

Realizing that I wouldn't go out that night, Ian exclaimed, "Miss Sarah! What a miracle! I'd love to do something special, but I don't want to seduce you again with my culinary skills," he joked.

I got the punchline but responded with a shy smile. He meant something to me, but being around him still felt like playing with fire.

It was good to be home. After a relaxing shower and dinner, I watched television with Cesar, each of us on our own sofa. Being at peace with Cesar again felt nice.

For a moment, I wanted to be with him again. There was something about him lying on that couch that tempted me to kiss him. Yes, I desired to kiss him, but I feared where it might lead us. Getting involved with him would intensify our relationship. Despite Cesar's warning about possible transformation, his actions revealed simple jealousy. He saw my fascination with vampires, and that bothered him.

To avoid further problems, I decided to save my desire to kiss Cesar and direct it towards Ian later. It seemed better to maintain the status quo.

The next day, I sought out Ian. With him, playing with fire wasn't a problem.

"Yes, Sarah, what can I do for you?"

"I need you to sign these papers," I said, placing a folder with documents on his desk. 

As he leafed through them, he remarked, "My father usually handles this kind of thing..."

"You can do it too, right? Unless you have doubts... In that case, I can go ask your father to..."

"No, you can leave it. I'll sign these." He signed them all. "Anything else?"

"No, no. Thank you," I said with a smile. Before leaving, he called me.


"Yes?" I replied, turning to him.

"You know you could have sent these documents through Violet, right?"

"I know. But I wanted to see you."

I said this, turning to leave. Okay, that should be enough. All that was left was to wait.

As planned, by the end of the day, Ian asked if we could go out just to talk. I added a little charm, but I agreed. We went for happy hour at a nearby bar.

I intentionally arrived a bit late to surprise him. He didn't seem too thrilled, sitting at a table in the center of the bar when I arrived. I stood outside, waiting for him to notice me. When he did, I walked towards the parking lot.

It didn't take long, and we were back at his house. Being with him served as a good distraction.

I returned home calmer, at least more distracted from my cravings. Cesar was watching TV when I arrived, and I joined him. This time, in peace. :)

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now