Date night

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In the afternoon, Cesar announced, "I've got tickets for a fantastic play in town, but I can't make it. Why don't you guys go instead?" Without much hesitation, Ron and I accepted his offer.

Later that evening, after the show, Rony and I decided to grab dinner at a nearby restaurant.

"You know, Ron, I'm starting to think I'd be better off with you," I remarked.

"No offense, Poodle, but I might not know what Cesar's up to or what's happening, but I do know I should keep my distance from you," Ron replied.

"You could call this a date," I teased.

"Nope, can't and won't do that," Ron chuckled.

I found Ron's sudden reluctance amusing. In the past, it had been the opposite – he used to flirt with me all the time, quite boldly. Now, it seemed like he was avoiding me like a vampire avoids holy water.

We got back home, and Rony chose to park the car himself instead of handing it over to the driver.

"I don't mind, and I'm still getting used to this lifestyle," he explained.

"Yeah, I get what you mean," I agreed.

As we walked past the living room window, we saw Cesar kissing a woman on the sofa.

"What the..." I exclaimed.

Sometimes, our reactions surprise even ourselves. I felt an uncontrollable urge to laugh and ran away from the scene. Ron followed me.

Once we were at a reasonable distance, I collapsed onto the grass, laughing hysterically. Ron looked at me, momentarily confused, then joined me, amused by my reaction. We lay there, gazing at the sky, laughing at the absurdity of it all.

"So that's why we got the tickets," I said between laughs.

"To avoid witnessing the real drama unfolding here," Ron added, sending us both into fits of laughter again.

"I wonder if I still have to play the role of the dutiful wife tonight," I mused.

"Oh, for sure! Knowing him, he might still expect that," Ron agreed, mimicking Cesar's walk and making us laugh even harder.

After a while, Ron said, "We should probably head back inside at some point."

"Yeah, just give me one more minute to compose myself," I replied.

"What are you two doing out here?" we heard a familiar voice say, and we looked up simultaneously.

"Cesar!" I exclaimed, still laughing.

"We didn't want to intrude on your moment," Ron explained.

"Good, because she's staying the night," Cesar announced, which set us off laughing once again.

"What's so funny?" Cesar asked, clearly irritated.

"Oh, I think I might be a little tipsy," I managed to say between giggles.

"There must have been something in that drink," Ron joked, causing another round of laughter.

"Come on, get up. I want you to meet her before you go upstairs," Cesar said, trying to be serious.

I stood up, brushing the grass off me, and said, "Oh, Cesar..."

"What?" he asked impatiently.

"Nothing, nothing," Ron intervened. "She just meant that you didn't have to keep it a secret from us."

"Keep what a secret?" Cesar asked.

"That you had a date" I replied, bluntly.

Cesar turned to me irritably and said:

"I don't want to hear that shit ever again. You hear?" He held my arm tightly.

"Hey Hey! Caesarito!" Ron said, putting his hand on Cesar's arm to make him move away. "She didn't mean anything by it. Calm down, man! Relax!"

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin