The desert

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We moved to a distant place, to a country in the middle of nowhere. Monuments of great civilizations remained standing while technology was slow to advance.

Cesar had already arranged everything, and as soon as we arrived, we went straight to our new home.

The house was spacious, with lots of windows and a vast yard (if I can call it that). I didn't know where our backyard ended and the desert began. According to Cesar, it would be ideal for our training.

We lived together without any major problems. Veronica, almost an old lady now, said she no longer had the patience to argue with me. Our routine was simple: Veronica cooked while I divided myself between cleaning and small repairs. I loved assisting Cesar with minor renovations.

At night, Cesar taught us the local language and culture of the place. Those conversations were very enriching. Veronica and I listened attentively, always accompanied by a glass of wine. To practice what we had learned, we began to buy the local newspaper, and this way, I ended up discovering my taste for shares. At that time, the newspaper was the main source of information on the subject.

Cesar spent the next few nights teaching me everything he knew about the stock market. Veronica found it all very boring and withdrew at the slightest sign of conversation.

I learned a lot from Cesar. He proved to have vast knowledge and was very patient, teaching me everything down to the smallest detail.

Every now and then, I would seclude myself on top of a rock in our backyard, usually in the early evening, where I would spend hours thinking of Joe.

Two years after our arrival, Veronica tragically died in a bus accident. She was in one of the old cities, on a sightseeing tour, when a bus collided with another. There were no survivors.

Veronica's sudden death had a significant impact on Cesar. He no longer had the same energy as before.

Now, we shared the "stone of the past," as I came to call it.

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