I knew you wouldn't stay away for long

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(external narrator)

Ron was startled when he heard Cesar shouting in a language he didn't understand. He hurried to the living room and found Cesar in a fit of rage, screaming and throwing things around the house.

"What's going on? What is it?" Ron attempted to understand amidst the chaos.

"I'm going to kill her, Ron. I'm going to kill her!" Cesar's voice trembled with anger.

Ron wanted to reply, but seeing Cesar's visible distress, he chose to remain silent. As the household staff approached, bewildered by the commotion, Ron tried to reassure them with gestures, but Cesar promptly dismissed them all, declaring he wouldn't spend another day in the house. He retreated to his room, packing his bags in haste.

"And where do you plan on going?" Ron inquired cautiously.

"America. I'll find her there and end it. It's that simple. I'm her guardian; it's my responsibility," Cesar declared with grim determination.

"And may I ask why?" Ron pressed on.

Cesar thrust his cellphone toward Ron, displaying more photos of Lilian from the party, then at a bus stop, captured from angles suggesting something dubious.

"She's turned to prostitution!" Cesar's voice cracked with anguish.

Once again, Ron considered retorting but discerned that Cesar was too distraught to entertain sarcasm.

"Perhaps she needed the money," Ron suggested tentatively.

"Really? Is that your excuse for her?" Cesar's tone was accusatory.

Ron paused, pondering his response. "Let me pack my things," he finally uttered.

As they sat on the plane, with Cesar visibly calmer, Ron ventured, "I knew you wouldn't stay away for long."

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