The Tunnels

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Back in the desert, we stayed at a hotel while Chaos went straight to see his mother. 

The next day after our arrival, we woke up early and went to the location indicated by Chaos. It didn't take long for him to show up to guide us through the tunnels. Cesar was suspicious and looked at Rony. It could very well have been an ambush. Rony didn't question, just followed, entering the tunnel. Cesar took my hand, and we followed behind them.

We passed by some people. Apparently, there was a lot of illegal activity inside those tunnels. We kept walking, passing people, when we saw a hunched figure looking at the wall.
"Mom?" called Chaos. "We have visitors." The creature seemed to pay no attention, so Chaos continued, "Rony is here, along with his friend and the young mother."

At that, the creature turned its gaze towards us. Behind the green, hunched, and disheveled exterior, traces of a woman were discernible. Rony was taken aback as she faced us directly, muttering, "Oh God..."

Expressing newfound interest, the creature slowly approached us in an otherworldly manner, resembling a mythical being. "Mary?" Rony called out, visibly shaken. I initially dismissed it as my imagination, but the creature's focus seemed directed at me. As it drew closer, its intent became clear—I was its center of attention. Ignoring Rony, it bypassed him and stood before me, eye to eye. Cesar instinctively stepped forward, creating a barrier.

The creature extended its hand towards my abdomen, and I felt a sudden twinge, akin to menstrual cramps. It smiled knowingly, causing me unease as I hadn't anticipated this encounter.

"Mom, would you like to join us outside for a walk?" Chaos interjected.

"Certainly," she replied with a smile, her gaze lingering on me. "Let's go."

We proceeded towards the exit, with Chaos continuing the conversation along the way, "You know, mom, they have a very large house and live like regular people."

"You don't say" she responded, maintaining her smile as we walked.

"Perhaps you'd like to experience it yourself. Rony could show you," Chaos suggested.

Her expression changed as realization dawned upon her, "Rony?" she exclaimed, turning back to find him among us, as if awakening from a trance. "Oh no!" she exclaimed, covering her face. "I must look dreadful! You shouldn't see me like this!"

"It's alright, mom," reassured Chaos.

"It's okay, Mary," added Rony. "I think you should come with us. Maybe Lilian can help..."

Her gaze shifted to me, and I felt another sharp twinge, causing me to wince. Cesar, holding my hand, noticed immediately.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Yes, just cramps. I'll be fine once we get back to the hotel," I replied, straightening up.

"Heh," she chuckled lightly, resuming our walk.

In the light, her appearance seemed less menacing. Perhaps she had undergone a subtle transformation during our brief interaction. Ultimately, she and Chaos ended up at the same hotel as us.

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