Vince and Markus

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Cesar set down his glass and walked away.

The waiter delivered another drink, and I consumed it as if parched in the desert.

"Another one, please," I requested, unaware that Vince was nearby and had witnessed everything.

"Is everything alright?" Vince inquired.

"Yes," I responded to Vince.

"Are you sure?"

I pushed down the contents in the glass without replying. Vince observed with apprehension.

"I need another one," I declared.

And so, we returned for another round. By the third drink, I was sufficiently intoxicated that everything became a bit hazy.

I recall dancing wildly with Vince.

I recall his infectious laughter, which further lifted my spirits. Even inebriated, I thought, "At least I'm making someone smile"

I recall us passionately kissing in a secluded corner.

I recall glimpsing Markus passing by.

I recall a brief exchange between them.

I recall kissing Markus while still embracing Vince.

I recall entering a room with them, and then... blank!

I awoke in bed with both of them, naked. It wasn't difficult to surmise what had occurred. They appeared to be asleep, so I quietly arose and headed for the shower, trying to gather my thoughts.

Unfortunately, I reached no conclusions. My primary concern was cleansing myself; I felt filthy and desired nothing more than to scrub away the night's events.

The truth was, without Cesar, I was uncertain how to survive or where to find employment. By sheer luck, I had earned Vince's favor and needed to maintain it until I found my footing elsewhere. Until then, I would continue playing along with them. If Vince grew tired of me, perhaps Markus would offer assistance.

In that moment, being with them was a matter of survival.

Upon exiting the shower, Vince was awake and had just finished a phone call. Despite his evident hangover, he approached me, kissed me good morning, and asked:

"Are you alright?"

I nodded affirmatively, and he kissed my cheek before stepping into the shower himself.

Shortly thereafter, there came a knock at the door. I answered, and it was room service delivering breakfast. As the coffee was poured, Markus stirred awake. A bit disoriented, he glanced at me and appeared to recollect something.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Morning," I replied.

"I'll just..."

Markus then wrapped himself in a sheet and departed.

Throughout the day, fragmented memories resurfaced.

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