They have her

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As night fell, Les met up with Miguel and Guilherme, his expression serious. 

"They have her." 

"The ones who took our brothers?" 

"Yes. She's alive, but we're running out of time."


In his search for Chaos, Ron found out Lilian and Cesar had been captured. He hurried, getting ready to go rescue them, realizing Les probably had the same plan. Ron prepared himself and went to find him.


Before they set off, Les swung by his temporary home to grab some weapons. Ciro was there, lounging with a book. 

"Let's go. I need your help." 

"What for?" 

"No time to explain," Les said briskly, grabbing weapons. Miguel and Guilherme seized the chance to gather their gear. Les disappeared into another room and returned with desert clothes for the vampires. 

"What's with the clothes?" Miguel asked. 

"You're not used to the sun, and I don't know how long we'll be out there," Les explained. 

Guilherme and Miguel quickly covered themselves up. Soon, Ciro joined them, and they headed towards the camp.


Ron met them halfway. Les and Ron exchanged a looks, acknowledging the situation.

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