Lilly's Interjection: Hold on, I need to explain myself.

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Hello again! Sorry to interrupt, but I feel the need to clarify something. No, I'm not a monster who thinks they're better than others. Allow me to explain.

I started working at a very young age. While my family didn't face any financial difficulties, my mother truly valued the importance of hard work. Throughout my life, I dedicated myself to studying, graduated, and secured a job that offered better pay. Leveraging my training and proficiency in English, I had the opportunity to work and live in the United States.

It was in the U.S. that I met Joe, fell in love, and then, when the project I was working on concluded, I was sent back to Brazil. Without hesitation, I quit my job and permanently moved to the U.S. to be with Joe. We dated, got married, and from that point on, I didn't work anymore.

As mentioned, I started working at the age of 15. Now, approaching 60 years old (but appearing 25), I wanted to taste what it was like to be one of those difficult people I had encountered throughout my career. It seemed like arrogance was a requirement for advancement. Now, for some inexplicable reason, having attained this high position (to this day, I still don't understand why Mr. Salazar hired me), I decided to let loose and have a bit of fun.

Someone once explained to me that, being immortal, I would need to reinvent myself from time to time. This marked the first instance where I played a role.

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