The Necklace

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After lunch, Ian came to my office and carefully placed a velvet box on the desk.

"This is for you," he said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Open it!" he urged.

I opened it and saw that it was a magnificent necklace, very large, full of precious stones.

"Ian..." I started.

"My father helped me pick that one out for you," he said.

I closed the box containing the necklace and returned it.

"I can't accept," I said.

"It's yours," he insisted.

"It's too much," I replied.

"It's nothing like that..." He took the necklace from the box, stood up, and walked around to stand behind me. As he tied the necklace on me, I stood completely still... The necklace was very, very beautiful. "See how perfectly it adapts to you."

I got up and went to a mirror. It was simply beautiful.

"I can't..." I murmured.

"Yes you can. It's a gift from me and my father, as a thank you for everything you do for us. Your expertise has earned us significant profits and I, well, I have my own reasons," Ian explained.

"But..." I started.

"Keep it, queen. It's yours," he insisted.

I thought a little and decided to accept.

"Thanks. It's very beautiful," I said.

"Thank me later," he said, walking towards the door.

"But that doesn't mean anything," I said.

"Don't overthink it," he replied while looking at me with his seductive gaze, until the moment he closed the door. I felt strange... I really wanted that necklace, but I didn't know if I should accept it. Oh, screw it! Now this precious thing was mine!

I thought it best not to show Cesar the necklace... Not that I didn't want to, but there was something telling me to be discreet. After we spent the night together, I'm sure he wouldn't be happy with Ian giving me gifts. So, I left the necklace in my bag and went into the house.

"Lilly?" Cesar called from the room as soon as I opened the door.

A weight seemed to have fallen on my back. The bag containing the necklace suddenly became heavy, or was it my conscience? Anyway, I walked slowly into the house.

Cesar soon saw me. He was sitting in an armchair in the living room, watching TV, but he looked at me and said, smiling, very friendly:

"Hey you."

He looked so cute like that... Without saying anything and forcing my tired face even more, I approached him, wrapped my arm around his head and kissed him.


"You look tired. Go take a shower while I prepare a dish for you," he suggested.

I took a shower, but when I returned to my room, I only thought about one thing: the necklace. I closed the door, went to my bag and picked it up. How beautiful it was! So I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. How cool it turned out! That necklace had a different effect on me! It was as if I were one of those powerful women from ancient Egypt. My hair also matched... everything matched! Oh! There was a feeling of power with that necklace... how good it was!

"Sarah! Your plate is on the table!" I heard Cesar call from the kitchen and quickly put the necklace in one of my drawers.

The next day, I was standing and analyzing a document when I heard Violet announce Ian. Neither he nor Mr. Salazaar waited for my confirmation, they always immediately entered.

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