Stay away from my wife

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Cesar was at Shannon's house when he received a video on his cell phone. In the video, Lilian danced excitedly with Vince at a party. He stopped watching the video, realizing he had seen enough. He immediately left Shannon's house to resolve the situation with Vince once and for all.


As soon as he entered the house, Vince saw a figure sitting in the armchair in his living room. He turned on the light and saw Cesar.

"So... we're breaking and entering now," Vince said.

Then Cesar took a swig of whiskey that was on the coffee table.

"And drinking my whisky," Vince added.

Cesar took a good gulp and calmly returned the glass. He looked at Vince and calmly said, "Stay away from my wife."

"Okay, first of all," replied Vince, already irritated. "I know for a fact that she is not your wife."

"What makes you say that?"

"Because I was the one who bought her plane tickets after finding her locked up inside a freaking cage in the middle of the desert! I was the one who held and checked all her documents, and not a single one had a married status on it."

"So you think you know..."

"Oh, I know."

Cesar chuckled mockingly, and then concluded, "Look, this is my one and only courtesy visit." He said as he stood up. "Stay the hell away from her or there will be consequences."

"You have just given me all the more reason to stay, psycho."

Cesar started walking towards the exit, but before leaving, Vince added, "And next time, I'm calling the cops. No matter who you are, I'm sure that having them involved would be bad for business."

After Cesar left, Vince was so irritated that he threw the glass and bottle violently against the wall, causing some shards to come back and cut his face.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now