Why didn't I feel your presence?

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(excerpt inspired by the song "Animals" by Maroon 5)

I returned to my room, resuming my usual routine of doing nothing. Eventually, I decided to take a shower late, and upon emerging, I was startled by Cesar's presence.

"Why didn't I feel your presence?" I inquired.

The bedroom lights were off, and I had just turned off the bathroom light as well. As I was about to leave, he grabbed me by the neck and pinned me against the wall.

"Because we're monsters now. You can't sense me anymore. Ron was the one alerting you to my presence all along," he stated, his face close to mine.

"Where is he?" I demanded.

"It doesn't matter."

I noticed he held a sword in his other hand, and that's when I realized I was defenseless. If he intended harm, there was nothing stopping him. The mere thought of it was crushing. Dying at the hands of someone meant to protect me would be a tragic end.

"Only I can do this," he asserted.

Terrified, tears welled up in my eyes. Knowing I couldn't escape this time, I uttered the only words I could muster:

"I'm so very sorry."

Suddenly, it seemed like he was about to act, but then I noticed tears in his eyes. He released the sword and grasped my head firmly with both hands.

"We... are... monsters," he said slowly, the struggle evident in his voice.

"I had to save you."

Cesar tightened his grip on my head with immense strength. A sharp pain in my neck made me feel extremely drowsy; I could barely stay upright.

I awoke during daylight, lying on the floor of my room. Cesar must have left me where I fell.

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