But, mother, aren't you even going to ask about our day?

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I woke up in my bed with a scarf loosely tied around my neck. Cesar was still lying next to the bed, looking cadaverous. The vampires had even replaced the face cloth over Cesar's neck, but there was dried blood everywhere. I hurried to clean the scene before anyone could see it. I fetched warm water and cleaned him, then changed the quilt underneath his body. Only after ensuring he was okay did I tend to myself.

I went to the bathroom mirror and removed the scarf from around my neck. Despite being dirty, there were no marks; I was fully recovered. After a shower, I made coffee. While drinking coffee, I thought about updating the employees on Cesar's recovery. As soon as possible, I went to talk to Amin.

"Cesar is very ill and needs absolute rest. He cannot receive visitors, not even you. Only I will take care of him."

"Can I see him?"

"Not now. The disease may be contagious, and I won't expose you to the risk. He's in critical condition, and it's best to wait before allowing visitors."

"But what's wrong with him? Maybe we can help..."

"You can't. In fact, two friends of mine, as well as Cesar's, will come every night to help with the treatment. Don't be alarmed by their presence."

"But, ma'am, couldn't we help with the treatment?"

"No, only they know how," I replied a bit hastily, my tone unintentionally aggressive. There was silence, and Amin apologized.

"Forgive me... I just..."

"I understand. Forgive me too. I care for him as much as you do. I won't let anything happen to you. Trust me."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Please inform the others. No one is to enter this house except my two friends. Nobody. I'm counting on you for our security."

"You can count on me."

"Alright. If anything is needed, I'll call you or have someone call you. I need to get back to his care."

"Of course. Excuse me," Amin said and left. I closed the door and returned to Cesar.

"It's okay, you'll be fine," I assured him, checking everything was in order. I spent the day alternating between household chores and caring for Cesar. At lunchtime, I wondered if he needed food. I opened his mouth and poured a little water, which washed away some debris. At the end of the afternoon, I felt there was a stronger connection between his head and body, but it might have been wishful thinking.


While the second quilt was drying in the machine, the vampires arrived. I didn't see how they got in, but I heard their footsteps around the house.

"Don't be scared, mother," said Guilherme. 

"It's us. We are approaching the door to your room," Miguel said.

I was happy to see my beautiful ones!

"Next time, you can just come in through the front door. Staff has already been notified that you will be visiting us at night."

"Well, what did you tell them?" asked Miguel.

"That you are dear friends who'll be helping me with Cesar's treatment."

"Ah, yes," Miguel replied, uncertain.

"Well, we'll see," continued Guilherme. "And how did you spend the day, my mother?"

"All well... taking care of him. I cleaned his throat, and I believe I will have to do it again tomorrow. There was still residue from that sewer in there. But... so? Let's go? Can we start?" I asked, anxiously.

"But, mother, aren't you even going to ask about our day?" Miguel asked, like a brat.

"Nonsense, Miguel!" Guilherme reprimanded his brother. "Don't pay attention to him, mother. He's just having fun, this eternal child!" Then he changed his tone to be serious. "My mother, I believe that the weight of your limbs, neck, and head caused the cut to open yesterday, despite our efforts to try to accommodate you with the pillows. We even conjectured whether your blood passed directly through the gap in his open neck."

"And what will we do today?"

"Let me see..." Miguel said, sitting next to Cesar. "I think... yes... here we are. Come, my mother," he said, extending his arms to me like a boy. "Give me a hug," he asked, smiling.

Finding him extremely cute, I lay down on my side on his lap. This time, due to the position, it would be Guilherme who would make the incision. I remained sitting on Miguel's lap while Guilherme turned around and kissed my neck. It always surprised me that I didn't feel any pain.

Guilherme moved away, going to the other side to help position my head on top of Cesar's neck. Meanwhile, Miguel held me in his arms as if I were a baby. It was funny that he even spoke while lightly patting my back, as if he was rocking me.

"There, there, my mother, there there. Everything will be alright."

Then we began the evening ritual. As soon as the cut was made and my blood started flowing to the right place, I said, "But you can tell me how your day was."

They thought it was funny and started telling me that they went to the fair where Zelda works. They said they were dressed in character, like European vampires from another time, and that they asked around looking specifically for her. They wanted to create an atmosphere of terror before speaking directly to her.

Just to remind you, Zelda was that lady who had told me about the young people studying vampires in the flower district. It was because of her that I found them.

Miguel and Guilherme took the day to play with the situation. They got dressed and went there, as if irritated that she would reveal their location to strangers.

"It's you, oh woman!" Miguel said it like he said then, laughing. Guilherme helped maintain my position.

I even heard the part where she was horrified looking at them, not understanding a word Miguel was saying...

...and then I passed out.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now