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My days continued as usual. The jobs I found were always cleaning or kitchen-related, which I ended up declining, but that didn't discourage me at all. I kept searching for an office position.

One day, when I got home, I was surprised. As I approached the building, I sensed someone's presence. I looked up at my apartment window and saw Cesar.

"Oh crap," I muttered to myself.

As I climbed the stairs, I heard strange noises, as if heavy objects were being dropped. I thought maybe it was a child at a neighbor's house and continued upstairs.

Upon reaching the apartment, I noticed an eerie atmosphere. Ron was lying on the floor near my bed, surrounded by objects that explained the noise I heard earlier. Cesar sat on the arm of the sofa, resting a sword on the floor. I glanced at Ron again, trying to understand what had happened to him. He was "coming back" of course, but how did he end up in that state? There were no visible bloodstains or bruises.

"What happened to Ron?" I asked.

"It's calmer this way," Cesar replied coldly.

I found Cesar's response strange, but Ron's temporary unconsciousness seemed to be the least of my concerns at that moment. If Cesar really wanted to talk, that's what we would do.

"Is everything okay?" I inquired.

My interlocutor seemed to deliberate on his next words. He looked at me and... I had the impression he was also eyeing my neck.

He took a deep breath and asked, "Do you remember all the defense moves I taught you?"


Cesar and Lilian were in the desert, training early in the morning. He executed the movements, and she mimicked him, creating a perfect, synchronized dance.

Then he picked up the sword and stood, making the infinity symbol movement, something he always did before starting to fight.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Cesar didn't respond, which alarmed me. Instead, he stared at the sword as if ensuring it was sharp.


Lilian watched Cesar carefully as he prepared to teach a new lesson. He stretched with the sword, forming the infinity symbol and focusing on the blade as he moved.

Then Cesar swung and cut a suspended sandbag in half.

It felt like he was about to attack me, but for a few seconds, I refused to believe it. I thought he just wanted to scare me, especially with Ron being unconscious and all. But then I saw Cesar move his head, as if mustering courage. It was at that moment I realized it wasn't a bluff; he was actually going to strike me down.

"Why?!" I shouted, dodging and grabbing a decorative vase near the door, hurling it at him.

Incredibly, at that exact moment, Cesar swung a blow that would have decapitated me if I hadn't moved. It was insane. I raced around the house, throwing things to escape him, my blood boiling so much I thought I'd explode. I couldn't think; I just ran. In the kitchen, I grabbed pans to defend myself. Back in the living room, as I tried to reach Ron, he threw something that tripped me onto the sofa. I immediately turned to face him, watching his every move as he advanced slowly.

I didn't know what to do or where to run. I thought the couch might be my only shield if he missed. Cesar approached with a measured stride, and that's when I heard it.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now