You will knock me down a hundred times, and a hundred times I will rise

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About two days later, a new chapter unfolded in our story. It was a quiet afternoon when Rony and I sat on our favorite benches in the shady side of the house, chatting while Cesar worked in his office. We sipped on lemonade, idly observing the lake, just as one of my teachers often remarked we watched it dry up.

Suddenly, we sensed another immortal's presence, coinciding with the arrival of a jeep at the residence. The vehicle zoomed in at high speed, swerving as security guards chased after it on foot. Without a word, Rony dashed towards the jeep, leaving me frozen in place, watching the events unfold.

As he neared the car, I could hear him shouting at the guards, "Don't shoot!" Their guns were already aimed as they closed in on the jeep. Then Cesar burst out of the door, sprinting toward the chaos.

The jeep screeched to a halt, and Rony swiftly pulled out the driver, who I recognized from afar as Joe... or rather, Chaos. Chaos stumbled but quickly regained his footing as the guards approached with a newfound calmness. Rony questioned him, but before he could respond, Cesar charged in, throwing Chaos to the ground.

I couldn't stay put any longer and rushed over.

The scuffle between them intensified, with Cesar seemingly landing more blows while Chaos focused on defense. The guards approached again, and I heard Rony plead once more, "Don't shoot. We know him."

Ignoring the plea, Cesar continued relentlessly until it seemed he had subdued Chaos.

"Stop!" I screamed, unable to bear witnessing the brutality any longer.

"Let him go, Cesar," Rony echoed, but Cesar remained unfazed.

"I'm finishing this!" Cesar shouted back.

That was the tipping point, compelling Rony to intervene before things escalated further. Two guards wrestled Cesar away, while Rony pulled Chaos to safety.

Cesar struggled against the guards, shouting and resisting, until eventually they managed to subdue him. Chaos, albeit battered, was still conscious. Rony tended to him while chaos ensued in the house. Cesar, now calmer but still agitated, was seated in his office as the guards kept a close watch.

Feeling the tension, I approached Cesar with a glass of water, hoping to ease his turmoil.

"Calm down," I urged, offering him water.

Instead, he swatted the glass away and grabbed my neck, his rage palpable. The guards swiftly intervened, pulling me to safety.

Once the chaos settled, we regrouped in the living room, joined by Chaos and our concerned assistant.

"He'll be alright," Rony reassured, but the assistant insisted on administering aid.

"I'm fine," Cesar protested as he emerged from his office, still being monitored by the guards.

"Everything's under control now," Ron asserted. "It's time for everyone to leave."

"No one stays," Cesar interjected firmly.

"But, Cesar..." the assistant persisted.

"It'll be alright," I comforted her. "We'll let you know when it's safe to return."

After everyone departed, we finally had a moment alone to address the situation.

Ron wasted no time, asking Chaos directly, "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you."

"You will speak to all of us," Cesar said.

"My matter does not concern you," Chaos replied, causing Cesar to step forward. They stared at each other, and then Chaos said, "You will knock me down a hundred times, and a hundred times I will rise."

"Oh, cut the crap!" Rony said. "Cesar, step away. Let him tell us what he wants."

It took a few seconds, but Cesar finally stepped back.

"Now tell us," Rony continued. "What is this about?"

"MaryAnne," Chaos answered.

"What about her?"

"She's... dying," Chaos replied in English, showing great difficulty in pronouncing those words.

"She was dying... many years ago. Now she's not dying anymore."

"She can't live as a person," Chaos explained with difficulty. "She condemned herself to a life in the sewers. She won't see light anymore."

"Looks like your vampires have been cheating on you," Cesar commented.

"No!" Chaos corrected. "Not vampires. Her!"

"What do you mean?"

"She thinks she is a monster, and so she will not allow herself to live like humans. Like you do," he said, pointing at Rony. "She lives in the sewers and refuses to have... this," he pointed at the house.

"So... what do you want from us?"

At that moment, Chaos seemed so vulnerable, alone in that corner of the room. It almost seemed like his eyes were about to tear up.

"Please," he said with difficulty. "Talk to her?"


"But why now?" Cesar asked, breaking the emotional atmosphere.

"Because she is transforming herself. Because she sees no light, her skin is turning green. Her eyes, lifeless. She has no strength to do much."

"Then why won't you bring her from there? Bring her to a house, give her a decent life?"

"It is worse. She tries to kill herself."

Chaos was very emotional. He seemed like a child.

"So I would have to go there, to the sewers, to talk to her?"

"Please. I'll show you the place."

Rony sighed.

"I need to think about this."

Chaos seemed incredulous, and then, like a spoiled child, he sat down in one of the armchairs.

"What's this?" Cesar asked.

"I will not leave."

"Oh yes you will." Cesar approached, but Rony intervened.


Cesar stopped and thankfully obeyed.

"He can stay until we figure out what we're going to do."

"Oh no he won't. He actually almost killed me once. The fact that he's still breathing is..."

"He stays!" Rony insisted.

"You would actually allow this killer to..."

"I mean you no harm," Chaos said.

"Weren't you a filthy energy collector?"

"Yes, but I am not here to collect yours, or hers... or anyone else's."

Cesar was about to say something, but Rony cut in.

"This is not your quarrel. He'll stay. I'll ask to have a room prepared."

"Can I ask them to return to the house?"


"Our blood will be on your hands," Cesar said hatefully to Rony. I went to the kitchen phone and asked everyone to return to their positions.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now