Swift and cinematic

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The man I shared a bed with is named Vince. The second man, I confess I don't recall his name, and the third, as Vince already mentioned, is Markus.

The following night, we attended a party at the hotel. They bought me a new dress and everything. At the party, I started drinking with them, and we were all euphoric!

Then, at one point in the night, Vince pushed me against a wall and asked, "So, come on, Sarah," which was the name I had given them. "What's your problem? Are you running away from a jealous boyfriend or something?" I shook my head no. I found it wonderful that I didn't have to engage in much conversation with them. "No jealous boyfriend? Abusive husband? Mafia trouble? Anything?" Vince persisted, but I continued shaking my head in the same manner. Since he seemed pensive, and I didn't want to linger too long, I decided to inquire, "Why?"

"Why?" he echoed, responding with the same question. "Well, because..." And then he kissed me, pressing me against the wall. "That's why," he murmured, kissing me again. As I reciprocated his advances, he suggested, "Let's continue this conversation somewhere else! Come!" and pulled me through the crowd by the hand. Without hesitation, we found ourselves back in his room in no time.

Once there, the sequence of events was rather amusing. Everything happened so quickly and seemed straight out of a movie that I could hardly believe it. After collapsing exhausted beside me, Vince remarked, "Girl, you are fantastic!"

I couldn't quite explain it, but I found everything amusing. We decided to stay there for the night and indulged in several swift and cinematic encounters. I thoroughly enjoyed each one.

The following day was chaotic. It felt like I was engulfed in vacation madness. There was a flurry of activity, with Vince being romantic at times but completely indifferent at others. It felt akin to being at a grand, lengthy, enjoyable party.

And I reveled in reminiscing about my recent days and contrasting them with where I found myself now.

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