I'm not ready

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Cesar and I never spoke again. That night, he came home, lay down, and slept without saying a word. The next morning, he was gone by the time I woke up. Despite feeling sad about the situation, I still missed him.

I noticed a hint of sadness in our assistant's eyes that day. She chose slightly more sophisticated clothes for me to wear, and when I asked about it, she simply said, "Trust me, you'll feel better in these today."

Later, everything became clear. I was outside, chatting with Ron, when our assistant informed me that Cesar wanted to see me in his office. She looked serious.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

She shook her head and gestured for me to follow her to the office. Upon entering, I saw Cesar arranging some papers while three men sat around the table.

"I'm sorry. I thought..." I began, thinking I had interrupted a business meeting, but Cesar interrupted me.

"Come in," he said. "Take a seat."

He handed some papers to the men, who then passed them to me.

"What's this?" I asked, puzzled.

Cesar leaned against the table, took a deep breath, and explained, "These are the divorce papers. These gentlemen are here to assist us. This is your lawyer, and these two are mine."

I was shocked and couldn't fully comprehend what was happening. I skimmed through the papers but couldn't grasp the details.

"I don't understand," I said.

"That's why we're here, to discuss the main points with you," one of his lawyers explained.

"Don't worry. We'll go over each item together," added the second lawyer, while my lawyer looked concerned.

"But... when do we have to sign these?" I asked.

"My part is done," Cesar said casually. "We were hoping to have your signature today."

I couldn't believe it. He was my protector, but now he was talking about divorce?

"You'll have a place to stay and enough to live comfortably," Cesar assured me.

"Take a deep breath, Lilly," my lawyer intervened. "We have time to go over the details."

"I'm not ready," I confessed.

Cesar sighed and said, "We've discussed this."

"I remember, but I'm not ready yet. I can't do this now. I'm sorry... Excuse me," I said, leaving the room.

That night, I waited until bedtime to confront Cesar. I couldn't hold back my feelings any longer.

As he entered the room, he seemed prepared for the conversation.

"I think you have questions," he said.

"What's your real plan?" I asked bluntly.

He sat down, taking off his shoes, and remained silent for a moment.

"Would we divorce, and I'd become just another affair for you?" I pressed on.

"You could never be just another affair for me," he replied, sitting upright.

"So... are we ending things for good?" I inquired, his silence making my heart ache.

"Some things aren't easily forgotten," he responded, his voice rising.

"Like what?" I demanded.

"You, mingling with the dead!" he exclaimed, his frustration evident.

"I can't believe we're still talking about this!"

"Every night, you were with someone. All..."

"But, Cesar! That's in the past! It stayed back in the desert," I protested.

"Maybe for you, but not for me! And knowing that when I died, the first thing you did was run to them."

"That's not true! You're being unfair!"

"Of course it's true... I don't even know why we're having this conversation. I'll sleep in the guest room. Goodnight."

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now