And now you really created a monster

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I woke up early because I had a lot to do. I asked for breakfast to be served in my room while I took a shower. When I got out, I had a message from Vince and another from Rony on my phone. Rony wanted to know if I was okay. I replied yes and asked him to confirm the name of my lawyer.

Vince sent a simple "hello." I replied with:

"I finally left him." 

He called me immediately.

"Again?" he asked.

"This time is for good."

"Hmm," he commented, skeptical. "And where are you now?"

"At a hotel."

He waited, and when he saw that I didn't say anything else, he asked, "And... that's it? No name, nothing?"

"Are you going to leave her and be with me, Vin?"

Vince stayed silent on the other end. I continued.

"I thought so. Bye."

And hung up.

Shortly after, I looked for my lawyer's number. Fortunately, the person who set up my phone left the contacts very well described. It wasn't hard to find him.

"Mr. Hermann?"

"Lilian! How are you?"

"I'm fine. Listen, how soon can we meet?"

"Well, I'm sure I could move a thing here and there in my calendar. What would this be about?"

"When we met earlier, you mentioned that I would be left with a home and reasonable resources. I would like to know more about it."

"What would you like to know?"

"How soon can I buy one?"

Mr. Hermann agreed to meet me the next day. He asked for a day to organize himself so he could give me a better idea.

Then I called one of the girls. Now, more than ever, I needed to stay in the circle. DeeDee helped me schedule an emergency meeting with the girls. They agreed to meet me at the hotel SPA.

"Men can be beasts sometimes," DeeDee said. They were all shocked by my situation.

"You did good to take a break. This will give him some time to..." Said another.

"Oh, but I did not take a break." I said, drawing everyone's attention. "I left him."

"Oh no no no no no... That is not a smart move," corrected DeeDee.

"Oh yeah, we can't let you do that."

"You will lose too much. Noooo, you can't afford it."

"But..." I tried to justify. "... Shannon?"

"Oh, that girl," DeeDee said impatiently. "The second I laid eyes on her, I just knew she would go after someone's husband."

"Well, she can have mine. I don't want him anymore."

"Don't you dare repeat that! You will not give up your life just like that. You will fight back!"

"I don't see how..."

"The Maison Ball!" DeeDee exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

"It would be perfect!" Agreed one of the others.

"I don't think I was invited..." I remarked.

"Oh hush, darling, everyone was. I'll just reach out to Marcel and tell him you lost your ticket."

The girls' idea was simple: I would undergo every beauty treatment possible until then and go to the ball as a diva.

In the following days, I lived between these two worlds... my lawyer and my friends. 

My lawyer explained to me that it would take a while to be able to buy the house, and that the ideal would be to speed up the divorce process as much as possible. In the meantime, I would stay at that hotel. 

The girls thought it was barbaric, but they tried not to talk about it too much. Instead, they accompanied me to every beauty treatment available in the city.

DeeDee arranged for my separate invitation and helped me donate to the event, setting a positive tone for the organizers.

On the day of the ball, I made sure to look my best. I even hired a driver so I wouldn't arrive in a taxi. I felt slimmer, well-polished, and my outfit highlighted my best features. Taking a deep breath, I approached the event as a new beginning.

I positioned myself near the entrance to make a quick exit if needed. When I walked in, I saw DeeDee at a table with her husband. She subtly extended her hand to greet me, which I appreciated.

As I headed to my table, I noticed Cesar and Rony nearby. I gave Ron a smile and joined my table."


— And now you really created a monster — Ron said to Cesar. Soon MaryAnne came out of the bathroom and they went to their table.


Vince's table, once again, wasn't far away. When he saw me, he made a face indicating that she was hot.

I smiled and sat in my seat. Vince wasn't content and sent a text message with a picture of the cartoon wolf. I thought it was funny.

At the table, I shyly greeted everyone. I noticed that one of the members of the table was interested, but I didn't pay any attention. Then, an event assistant arrived.

— I'm sorry, ma'am. There was a terrible mistake. If you can follow me please...

I got up and followed her.

— These new interns... they're making a mess! — she complained.

Then she took me to Cesar's table and gave me the chair next to him.

— Here you go, ma'am. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Without question, I sat down. From then on, we followed the entire "show" in exact silence. With the exception of MaryAnne and Ron, who would occasionally mutter something to each other, there was no communication there.

When the event ended, I excused myself from the table and went straight back to my hotel room.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now