Did you know his real name is Vincenzo?

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The day passed much like any other. I spent the entire day watching television, mustering the courage to return to my apartment, but ultimately giving up. I had a feeling that this situation would soon be resolved.

In the evening, I received a call from the reception informing me that Markus was downstairs. Taking a deep breath, I changed clothes and headed downstairs. Finding him in the waiting room wasn't difficult.

"Oh, hey Markus," I greeted him. 

"Hey," he replied. 

"Could you please tell Vince hello for me?" 

"What?" he asked, but I turned and left him to ponder on his own.

Upon reaching my room, I texted Vince:

"Haha, good try."

He responded, expressing confusion, but I chose not to continue that conversation.

That night, I woke up to find Cesar lying next to me. Fear gripped me, rendering my body numb.

"You really need to stop startling me. Ever heard of knocking on the door?" I chided.

"Do you really want your boyfriend to know?" he countered.

I remained silent, unsure of how to approach that conversation at that moment.

"Did you know his real name is Vincenzo?" Cesar continued, speaking almost to himself.

"I had no idea," I admitted.

"He's Italian," Cesar added.

Speaking without making eye contact, as if lost in his own thoughts, Cesar asked, "Where did you two meet?"

"In that cave, with the chains," I answered.

"That's where you went after leaving home?" he inquired.

"Yes, it was," I confirmed.

"Ron suspected you might," he remarked.

"This conversation is painful," I admitted, hoping he would drop the subject.

Acknowledging my discomfort, Cesar let the topic rest. After a pause, he said, "Try to go back to sleep."

Surprisingly, I managed to do just that and fell asleep again.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now