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The following day, I attempted to strike up a conversation with Cesar, but he seemed disinterested until I mentioned my upcoming plans.

"Another date with Ian?"

"No, I'm doing something much more exciting! I'll share all the details when I return!"

I left the house and hurried to the Flores District. Upon arrival, a group awaited me with holy water, a stake, a crucifix—the whole vampire-hunting kit. Reluctantly, I consumed a piece of garlic, deemed necessary by their beliefs. The determined young man from the previous day held a calf and instructed me to enter the house first, assuring he'd follow.

"Once inside, walk straight to the ladder. Take a left upstairs and find the only room with lights on. I'll leave the offering elsewhere, joining you shortly."

"All right."

And so, we entered. Despite its ruined state, the house exuded charm. A groan echoed as soon as we stepped in, resembling someone in pain.

"Keep walking," the young man whispered from close behind. I trembled but followed his guidance.

Upon reaching the room, it was empty. The young man disappeared briefly but returned, settling beside me on an old sofa. The calf screamed, followed by silence. Minutes later, footsteps approached.

I was nervous, my heart pounding with each step.

Then, he appeared at the door—a man with brown eyes and curly hair, clad in ragged attire. The young man rose and addressed him:

"Hello, Guilherme. I brought the foreigner, as you requested. Her name is Sarah, from Brazil."

As they conversed, I observed the energy between them. Guilherme, the supposed vampire, was undoubtedly immortal, yet unlike any I'd encountered. His silent, lifeless presence intrigued me.

"Hello," I greeted, standing. He approached slowly, studying me. The student, eager to shift focus from me, initiated conversation.

"How was our offering today?" he asked, anxiously. "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, it was delicious, thank you. You can inform your friends that I feel much better. My brother also appreciated it."

"Your brother? Are you awakening others?"

"Yes, my younger brother, Miguel. I miss his antics, so I'm awakening him first. Unfortunately, he's still too weak for public introduction."

"Should we bring him an offering too?"

"That won't be necessary."

Guilherme responded without glancing at the boy; his attention remained fixed on me. His light brown eyes scrutinized me.

"I wish to speak alone with Sarah. Please wait downstairs."

The young man hastily left, leaving us alone. Before disappearing down the hallway, he cast a frightened glance at me.

"Now, then. Hello, Sarah." Guilherme greeted, gesturing for me to sit. "Please, sit down," he added, his strong Portuguese accent evident.

I settled on the old sofa as Guilherme took a chair opposite me. Comfortable without the student present, he delved into questioning.

"I notice your eyes don't respond when I say your name. Is it a recent one?"

"Yes. I grew too old and needed a new identity."

"I see."

"I... would rather not reveal my old name, if you don't mind."

"Of course, but... tell me, what kind of creature are you?"

"The kind that doesn't die."

"Yes, but..." After a moment's thought, he asked: "Are you a creature of darkness? Like my brothers and me?"

"I'm not sure if that's what you're asking, but the sun doesn't bother me. And... I don't need blood."

"Interesting." Guilherme leaned back, crossing his legs. "What power do you possess?"


"Yes. What sets you apart from others of your kind?"

"I can give birth."

He smiled, saying it loud enough for the man downstairs to hear.

"From now on, Sarah will be present at every visit, or there will be no visit at all."

"Guilherme, no!" I protested.

"What's the issue, woman? I know you want to see me again. I can read it in your eyes."

"I won't be able to come every day, and that will disappoint the students."

"Excellent! We'll use that day to go out and feed."

"They'll inquire about our conversation."

"Of course... tell them that I liked you, asked about your background, and without you, anyone through that door becomes prey for my brothers. Now go, I need to see Miguel."

As he spoke, he stood, waiting for me to leave.

"Until another day, Sarah." He waved, disappearing into the darkness.

The young man left in a huff. Sensing the tension, I followed suit, head lowered.

Outside, discontent spread among the others upon learning of the new condition.

"You came to ruin our project!" one exclaimed.

"We should offer her to Guilherme since he desires her!" suggested another.

Attempting to calm them, Velma said:

"If he wants her, maybe she can gather information he wouldn't reveal otherwise."

This seemed to pacify them a bit.

Returning home, more excited than the day before, I found Cesar already asleep. According to our helpers, he retired as soon as I left.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now