I almost couldn't resist her tonight

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(external narrator)

Generally, the blood stopped flowing shortly after Lilian passed out. It still took a few minutes, but they realized the exact moment it happened. That night, as soon as Lilian "fell asleep", Miguel confessed:

"I almost couldn't resist her tonight."

Guilherme gave a brief look of disapproval, but soon turned his attention to the procedure still in progress.

When the blood stopped, Miguel stretched out his arms.

"Give her to me here.

With a reprimanding look, Guilherme handed her to his brother.

Miguel carefully took her in his arms and carried her to the bed. There, he arranged the pillow under her head and then put a blanket over her.

"You may rest now, my mother" he said, lightly caressing Lilian's face. "We'll be back later to assist you with your grumpy old friend."

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