How could you stand by and let all that happen?

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(external narrator)

At home, Rony and Cesar were in conversation. Cesar was visibly upset while Ron attempted to reason with him.

"So, what are you saying? You kick her out and hope she..."

"I didn't kick her out of the house!"

"Oh, really? Those were some lovely words you used to try and make her stay."

"I'm not referring to that!"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"There's a side of her that..."


"That turns her into a whore!" Cesar exclaimed angrily. Ron impatiently closed his eyes. "You should have seen her, Ron. Just two days and she was already sucking the life out of that guy." Ron chuckled at the exaggerated expression. "And the poor guy already had that stupid look on his face, you know? The look of an idiot, from someone who is already..."

"Head over heels?"

"And she... she was acting as if nothing had happened..."

"It's a good thing you're not that idiot, right, Cesar? Or else it would have been you with that dumb look on your face."

"Screw you."

"It was you who sent her away, going against your own nature."

"Nature? What are you talking about?"

"You're her guardian! Even if you hadn't sent her away, how could you stand by and let all that happen?" Cesar's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, rendering him momentarily speechless. "It must be truly disheartening to be someone's guardian and witness them turn into a whore. Your words, of your own accord."

With that, Cesar stormed off in irritation.

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