You never got up from that chair?

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Returning home, I found Cesar seated in the kitchen, almost in the same position as when I left for work in the morning.

"You never got up from that chair?" He managed a slight smile. "Is everything all right?" I asked, concerned about his demeanor.

"Yes... I guess so."

Until that moment, he hadn't looked me in the eye, leading me to believe it was something related to me. It seemed he wasn't handling everything happening between us well. To be honest, neither was I.

Given the sweltering day, I decided to take a refreshing shower and change into cooler clothes. Not wanting to disturb Cesar, I headed straight to the balcony to relax in the hammock for a while. I lost track of time, and as darkness fell, Cesar came out to check on me.

"I made some soup. Do you want some?"

"Yeah. I'll be in in a bit."

He was already going inside, and as I got up from the hammock, he turned back and said:

"Lilian..." a bit hesitantly, he continued, "I don't think it's a good idea for us to sleep together again."

"Okay," I replied, trying to conceal the feeling of being punched in the stomach.

"It's not that I don't..."

"Cesar..." I interrupted, drawing his attention. "It's fine. Don't worry."

Our dinner unfolded like a scene from a movie. Complete silence, interrupted only by the clinking of cutlery against plates. Both of us lost in our own thoughts. At one point, I felt his warm hand touch mine, and then, his voice:

"Lilian, I..." he began to say, holding my hand. Moments later, he seemed to change his mind and released it. "Want some more soup?"

"No, thank you."

"Yeah, me neither. Excuse me," he said after putting away the pans and leaving the kitchen.

It dawned on me what was happening. He was wrestling with his feelings for me. How I wished things were different... How I wished I could see him teasing me, waking me up at dawn to train, while I complained and said I hated him. Good times...

The situation with Cesar unsettled me a bit. Almost mechanically, I finished my soup and tidied up the kitchen. Afterward, I turned off all the lights and sat on the bench near the window at the end of the hallway.

The window offered a stunning view of the surroundings. The night sky was captivating, so I gazed at the stars, hoping they'd provide some answers. Eventually, I put my feet on the bench, curled up, and leaned against the wall. I stayed there for a long time, bathed in the moonlight, until I dozed off.

I woke up to Cesar gently pulling me into a hug. He had placed a chair next to the bench and was embracing me as if I were a baby. I accepted the invitation and nestled into his embrace. It felt comforting.

"I don't like seeing you like this," he said, affectionately hugging me. I leaned on him and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up in his lap as he carried me to my bed.


"I better not," he replied, covering me with the sheet.

"Please," I insisted. "At least until I fall asleep. It won't take long."

He returned, sitting on my bedside.

"What's making you feel like this?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I feel like I need a hug."

He took a deep breath and explained:

"The problem is that one thing may lead to another and..."

So I silenced him with a kiss, inviting him to join me for the night. He did, and we shared some kisses.

Ahh... it felt so good! Maybe I shouldn't have done that, but it seemed to be the only thing that eased his heart and, to some extent, mine too. He stopped kissing me, but I continued caressing his face.

"What are we doing?" he asked.

"I have no idea."

So I kissed him again, taking everything to another level. He began to reciprocate, and that was the best feeling in the world. It felt like I belonged nowhere else but with him.

I was thoroughly enjoying it, but he seemed to be enjoying it even more. I was satisfied twice, and he still continued. It was as if he was also telling me that I was his. Only his.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now