He's trying to send me back... just hasn't figured out where yet

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The next night, I woke up as I shifted positions in bed and once again encountered Cesar.

"Hi," I greeted him, but he remained silent for a while. Then he spoke:

"How long do you plan to stay here?" Cesar asked.

"I'm not sure. Vince is trying to send me 'back'. He just hasn't figured out where yet," I replied.

After another pause...

"I don't think you can have any more children," Cesar said in a sensitive tone. I wanted to respond with 'okay,' but I thought it best to wait.

"And knowing that all of this is my fault..."

That's when I decided to intervene. I placed my hand on his arm, signaling for calm. He had his arm crossed over his head. Eventually, he reached out his hand to touch my head.

"I mean, I understand why you did it, but I just can't get over that..."

"We are monsters now," I added.

"Exactly. And I wouldn't know what would happen if..."

I sensed his growing agitation, so I moved a bit closer, attempting to embrace him. He accepted and hugged me back, which brought immense relief. For the first time in a while, he was letting his guard down.

It felt comforting to embrace him again.

We sat there in silence for some time, and then he leaned in to kiss me. My heart soared with joy.


Lilian and Cesar are kissing in the kitchen. Cesar pauses the kiss to ask:

"May I?"

As we kissed, I felt his hand gently squeeze my waist. I was wearing only a robe, and I nearly fainted when I felt him undoing the tie that held it closed. Tenderly, he slipped his hand inside my robe, lightly caressing my skin.

I found myself becoming breathless, hardly able to believe what was happening. He laid on top of me, loosening my robe further. I embraced him, stroking his face and neck while we kissed. And thus, Cesar began to make love with me. It was the most incredible feeling in the world. It was all I ever wanted.

He cupped my face to continue kissing me. It felt like we had both longed for each other.

All that affection was exquisite. My sense was that everything would be okay now, which was what he had been seeking all this time without being able to express it. I didn't dwell much on the physical act itself; I simply surrendered to a sense of peace that I hadn't felt in ages. Cesar took it all the way, and that's how I found my satisfaction as well.

Afterward, he said:

"I'll find a place for us tomorrow and let you know. Now try to get some sleep."

I was about to turn around, but he hugged me tightly and stayed close. Miraculously, once again, I fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up alone, feeling peaceful and relieved. I didn't know what the future held, but at least there would be less conflict and chasing. I had no clue about Cesar's plan.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now