Sarah Thompson

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Once, a well-dressed, intoxicated man joined me at my table, noticing my engagement with the newspaper's financial section. He initiated a conversation, expressing his discontent with the stock market's concept. In response, I patiently explained the underlying theory. However, my sense of accomplishment was short-lived as the man dozed off right in front of me. Frustrated, I decided to leave.

"Do you believe Star Corp will rise next week?" a man from the neighboring table inquired just as I was about to depart.

"Yes, most likely," I replied, thinking I was done with financial discussions for the night.

"I bet fifty dollars she falls," he said, adding an unexpected thrill to the situation.

"It's a deal!" I exclaimed, feeling a sudden rush of excitement. "Let's meet here in a week to discuss the result."

Returning home excited, I shared the events with Cesar, who responded with minimal enthusiasm. Undeterred, I continued the bets and successfully predicted Star Corp's rise two more times. The man, intrigued, inquired about my occupation, suggesting I could secure a job with my experience. He offered me a position in his company, and after negotiations, I secured a new job with excellent pay.

This development marked a rare occasion where I witnessed Cesar's smile, pleased with the influx of money into the household. In a gesture of trust, I left all my earnings with Cesar, confident in his adept money management skills.

Under Mr. Salazar's employ, I received my own office with a stunning city view. My secretary, Violet, provided invaluable support, aiding my adaptation to the company. Despite adopting the new identity of Sarah Thompson, I retained my married surname, still hesitant to fully relinquish Joe's (Joseph Thompson) name. Cesar assisted in obtaining the necessary documents for my new identity.

Due to my language difficulties, Mr. Salazar provided a dedicated translator, ensuring smooth communication and understanding of technical terms. One day, when the translator delayed delivering a document, I confronted him, inadvertently colliding with a stranger and spilling coffee on my blouse.

"Sorry?" the man apologized in the local language, seemingly surprised by my reaction.

"You better watch where you're going or you'll soon be walking on the street!" I retorted, storming back to my office. I sent Violet to buy a new blouse and soon resumed my professional composure.

At home, I recounted the incident to Cesar, who, surprised by my assertiveness, affectionately dubbed me "Bossy-Lady" for the night. The following day, Mr. Salazar broke into my office with the man from the coffee shop incident.

"Sarah, I would like you to meet my son, Ian," Mr. Salazar introduced. My heart almost came out of my mouth. "From now on he will keep us company while he updates himself on the company's business. Ian, this is the brilliant Sarah Thompson."

"How are you?" I asked, all formal, getting up to go shake his hand.

"I believe we've already met," Ian said, pretending to force his memory.

"Oh really? From where?" asked Mr. Salazar.

"From the company corridors," I explained. "I didn't think you already had plans to leave us, Mr. Salazar," I said, trying to completely avoid any conversation about coffee.

"Oh no. I'm just trying to get him a little interested. One day Ian will take my place, but not anytime soon."

"And I hope that day won't come for a long time," concluded Ian.

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