As if it wasn't fully complete

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I walked for about five hours, visiting every corner of the city, yet there was no sign of Cesar or Rony. Finally exhausted, I decided to stop somewhere to rest for a while. I had already been to the building where I had seen Ron and Chaos fighting... and found nothing. Apart from that, I traversed the center, the suburbs, and every other area, but to no avail. Now, I found myself seated in an area I couldn't quite define as upscale or suburban. However, I had a sense that no one would bother me there, unlike in certain places I had visited.

I remained there for some time, needing to replenish my strength before heading home. However, as time passed, I contemplated calling a taxi since I had walked extensively under the scorching sun. It was then that I remembered Cesar, and I felt guilty for feeling tired. Overwhelmed, I burst into tears once more, consumed by self-disappointment, concern for Cesar, and a sense of helplessness. I continued to call out to Ron with my mind, but it seemed he couldn't hear me.

Sobbing uncontrollably, I suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Do not cry." I looked up and saw Miguel crouched down, gazing at me. I had been so consumed by sadness that I hadn't noticed his presence. "Don't cry," he repeated reassuringly.

We embraced, and I found solace in his comforting presence. After venting, I distanced myself from him, wiping away tears, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"We've come to your aid," he said softly, smiling. It was then that I noticed Guilherme was also present.

"Guilherme?" I exclaimed, surprised.

"Don't give me that look. I'm just here for my brainless brother," he retorted.

"Thank you," I said to Miguel.

"You truly need some assistance, my dear. Come, lean on me," he offered, extending his arm.

"Where to?" I inquired.

"You need to regain your strength. Come with me."

I acquiesced, and he led me to a nearby restaurant. Upon arrival, he instructed me to freshen up in the bathroom while he placed our order. Guilherme followed with a scowl.

After washing my face, I returned to the table. "Have you already ordered?" I asked, unsure of what else to say.

"Yes, mother. Now, sit here next to me. Let's talk," Miguel said, getting straight to the point.

We discussed my situation, and to my surprise, they had reconsidered and decided to help me.

"Really?" I asked, seeking confirmation from Guilherme.

"What can I say? My brother has truly lost his mind," Guilherme remarked.

"Listen..." Miguel continued, catching my attention. "Tonight, we'll return to that infamous place and see if your friend is still imprisoned."

"Really?" I exclaimed, filled with excitement.

"Yes, but we won't bring you along. We believe we'll be better concealed without you."

"Of course," I agreed.

"Because you attract them," Miguel explained.

"Of course, of course... Did you say tonight?" I reiterated.

"As soon as night falls," Guilherme grumbled. "Which is utterly insane!"

"If he's injured, we might still have a chance to help him. You know how those desert creatures are; time moves differently for them," Miguel added, frustration evident in his voice. Guilherme raised his hands in surrender.

Just then, our food arrived. They had ordered for me, but it seemed like enough for three people as multiple dishes kept coming.

"Wow..." I remarked.

"Start with this, mother. It'll do you good," Miguel suggested, pointing to a peculiar dish.

Thus, I enjoyed a meal with them before returning home, where they left me and headed back to the camp. They promised to return with updates as soon as possible. I remained at home, anxiously awaiting their return.

Amin was curious about the identity of the two strangers, and I explained that they were friends of mine whom Cesar had disliked but were now my greatest allies in finding him.

After taking a long shower, I attempted to distract myself by watching TV, but thoughts of them and Cesar consumed my mind. Amin brought some herbs and brewed me more tea, understanding that I needed all the natural remedies available to me during these trying times. Sometimes, his gestures could lift my spirits.

Several hours later, the vampires returned covered in dust, indicating they had been running in the desert. They entered the house, and in the living room, they recounted their experience.

"It was insane! We were nearly caught!" Guilherme exclaimed uneasily.

"But we made it back, didn't we? In the end, it all worked out!" Miguel replied impatiently.

"Boys!" I interjected, catching their attention. I focused on Miguel. "Tell me."

He took a deep breath before responding, "He wasn't there."

"What?" I asked, feeling panic begin to rise within me.

"None. There were no signs of him or recent activity that suggested he was there," Miguel clarified.

"My God!" I exclaimed, my panic intensifying. It was then that Guilherme interjected.

"While we were there, I delved into the mind of one of those barbarians," he divulged, capturing both my and Miguel's attention. "I glimpsed an image of his friend's bloody body. In this context, doesn't that imply he's still alive?"

"Yes, I believe so!" I agreed, feeling a surge of hope.

"What else did you see, brother?" Miguel inquired.

"Not much, just that," Guilherme responded.

"Guilherme, please," I implored gently. "Tell me everything, every detail you observed. Please... Do not omit anything."

After a moment of ponderation, Guilherme moved to sit across from me in an armchair. He began to recount his findings.

"I saw an image of two men carrying your friend's body. It was drenched in blood, and it seemed as if..."

"As if...?" I pressed.

"As if it wasn't fully complete," he continued hesitantly.

I covered my mouth in shock, struggling to maintain composure. Miguel placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, while he asked Guilherme to pause for a moment.

"Are you alright?" he asked gently.

I nodded, composing myself, and urged Guilherme to continue.

"Please, go on."

"Yes, I witnessed one of those barbarians with a satisfied expression, and then they disposed of the body in a ditch. It could have been one of those modern rivers."

"But which ditch? Where exactly?" I pressed urgently.

"I cannot say for certain. It was daylight, and it seemed as though one was narrating the incident to the other, allowing me to glean the information. He mentioned the satisfaction of a third party."

"When you mentioned it wasn't... intact, what exactly did you mean?" I inquired, dreading the answer.

"I cannot say for sure, but some parts appeared... detached..." Guilherme softened his description upon noticing my distress. "It was abnormal, to say the least. However, it could have been a trick of the clothing."

"Yes, it's quite possible," Miguel concurred.

After reflecting for a moment, I questioned further, "But can you describe the surroundings? What do you recall?"

"Yes... Everything seemed somewhat blurry and disorienting, but they were on elevated ground, surrounded by trees and shrubbery. Adjacent to them was a concrete structure through which water flowed."

I committed every detail Guilherme provided to memory, knowing that I would need them for my search the following day.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now