Tavius & Klaus

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The next day, Ian called me early in the morning, asking if I wanted to join him for another happy hour. However, I had other commitments and couldn't make it.

"Come on, Sarah. Does it really have to be like this?" Ian persisted.

"I'm not trying to play with you. I genuinely have an appointment tonight, and I can't postpone it," I explained, a little reluctantly.

Later, as I changed into street clothes, Cesar offered a word of caution, "Just be careful with those vampires, okay? Remember what we talked about."

"Got it! See ya!" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

What Cesar mentioned about vampires seducing me for my blood lingered in my mind. It was something I planned to investigate today.

Not finding Velma outside, I entered the house, and the students mentioned they couldn't proceed without her. They suggested I could enter at my own risk and wait for her. It was clear that without Velma, the entire project would be compromised.

Closing the door behind me, I heard Miguel's voice from the other end of the house. "Ah, my mother! Leave the offering right there and come to the library. We're here."

Walking slowly towards the library at the end of a dark corridor, I recalled how Les could see in the dark. I wondered if I would ever develop such abilities.

As I navigated cautiously, touching everything to reach a dark room, the vampires attacked me. Two on the neck, one on the wrist, and one on the leg. Pain surged on the left side of my neck and in my leg. Terrified, I tried to speak but couldn't. Shock overwhelmed me, and before I knew it, they had drained all my blood, and I passed out.

I woke up in the visitors' room, where Guilherme usually met with students. No one was around. Getting up, I noticed a tear in my pants above the knee, stained with blood. Irritated by the ambush, I wanted to leave immediately. They had removed my shoes, so I sat down to put them on.

"Mother! You're awake!" Miguel entered excitedly. "Don't make sudden movements or you'll faint again."

"I know," I replied dryly. Miguel ignored my rudeness and approached, bending down in front of me.

"My two brothers are awake and are now completely recovered." With my shoes on, I started to get up. He reached out to help me, but I leaned on the bed. "Are you upset, mother?"

Then Guilherme entered. "Mother! Here is our brother Tavius! He is very excited to meet you!"

A tall man with huge dreadlocks entered the room. His eyes reflected nobility, and his walk exuded charm. "It's a pleasure to meet you, mother."

"Likewise," I said, already standing. "Our brother Tavius comes from England. Did you like him, mother? Did you?" asked Miguel, standing next to his brother.

"Yes. He seems like a gentleman."

Footsteps echoed in the hallway, slow but firm. "And here comes our other brother, Klaus!" announced Guilherme.

A man as tall as Tavius but robust, with a serious appearance, entered. He seemed to be the strongest of all, with a thick beard and long, curly hair. His gaze showed strength. "My mother," he said, nodding. I waved back.

"Don't pay attention, my mother. He's always grumpy like that," Guilherme joked.

"I can read minds, that's all," Klaus retorted, probably aware of my dissatisfaction with their actions. "Don't be such a downer, my brother. Here is our mother! We must treat her well," Miguel scolded.

"Do forgive us, mother," Klaus said, lowered his gaze, and left. He earned my respect there.

"Don't pay attention to him. Klaus can be quite sentimental at times," explained Tavius.

"Come, mother, I want to show you something," said Miguel, holding my hand and taking me out of the room. Guilherme followed closely.

They led me to a room in the house, beautifully decorated for a girl. "What do you think about it, mother?" asked Miguel, smiling.

"It's for the little one," explained Guilherme.

"It's beautiful... without a doubt, but I'm not sure she'll be okay. That day she seemed tormented to me."

"But now, with our brother Klaus here, she will be fine. He can calm even the wildest creatures," said Guilherme.

"Um... good," I said, without much enthusiasm. I was still bitter about the ambush. "Now I must go. I've stayed too long today."

"Must you, really?" asked Miguel, with the innocence of a child.

"Yes. I probably slept for too long."

"And when will you return?"

Miguel's innocence was impressive. There was no way I could stay mad at him. "I don't know for sure. I think it will take a few days."

"We needed your blood,  mother. You have no idea how much we needed it! It is too precious, and our brothers..." Miguel tried to explain, distressed. 

"And I would have allowed it, if I had been asked," I replied.

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