My beautiful, sweet girl

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Les sat across from me, looking handsome, and said: 

"My beautiful, sweet girl." 

I prepared myself with care. I wanted to live up to the significance of the upcoming event.


Lilian was blindfolded in the back seat of a car. 

In the front seat were Ciro and a driver. 

"Where are you taking me?" 

I left the house and went straight to Les' house to search for the vampires.


Lilian ran out of the room, but one of Les's security guards caught up with her 

and threw her back. 

Finding Les's house wasn't difficult. I soon sensed his presence, but not that of the vampires. I rang the doorbell, and he answered it himself, finding the entire situation amusing.


Lilian was on the floor, struggling to breathe, while Les held her by the neck. 

"What can I do for you?" he asked, barely suppressing a laugh. We both understood how pathetic the situation was. 

"Miguel. I need to speak with him," I said, with seriousness. 

"Of course, come in," he offered, already granting me passage to enter his house. I took a deep breath and entered. How ridiculous the situation was! Me, of my own free will, entering Les' house. "Miguel isn't here, but I can call him for you," he said as he closed the door. 


"May I know what this is about?" 

"It's personal," I replied. 

"I understand. Come, join me in the living room. I will summon him immediately."


Lilian was sitting on a very nice sofa, chained to hooks on the wall, 

screaming, struggling to free herself. 

I sat on one of their beautiful sofas. Soon his butler appeared and he asked for something in French, a language I didn't understand at all. The butler left, and we were alone in the room again.


An elderly butler held a shotgun and, shaking greatly, shouted: 

"Let her go!" 

Ciro appeared behind him with a baseball bat. 

Les sat in one of his armchairs, crossing his legs and interlacing his fingers. Personal satisfaction emanated from him at having somehow induced that moment. 

"Ah, where are my manners? Would you like something to drink while you wait? Wine, brandy?" he asked, with a tone of blatant malice in his voice.


Les and Ciro had a party while forcing Lilian to drink poison inside a limousine. 

"No, thank you." 

"Water?" Then he paused and finally asked: "A small chalice with blood, perhaps?" 

"I'm just here to wait for Miguel." 

Les relented. Some time later, he changed the subject. 

"I would like to know what happened that day, after you left?" 

"No," a lie. I wanted to know, A LOT, what happened to Chaos after I left. 

"Are you sure? You don't even want to know if he's... alive?"


Lilian and Les were fighting in the bathroom of their old apartment. 

Lilian was dressed, but standing inside the bathtub, while fighting with Les, who was outside the bathtub and holding a gun. 

The difference in their strength was so ridiculous that it made Les laugh the entire time. 

Then, a shot was heard, and Les hugged Lilian, saying: 

"Yes, my dear. Yes! Fight for your life. Always! were unlucky this time." 

Lilian fell injured in the bathtub. Les approached and fired again.

"No, I do not care." 

"Okay, I won't tell you, then." 

And then there was silence between us in the room. Silence that seemed to last an eternity. I looked at the coffee table and its objects, at the curtain on the huge window and its details. I did everything I could to try to ignore his presence. After a long time, breaking the silence, he said slowly: 

"You are still... absolutely... beautiful... to me."


 Lilian was lying on the floor of a dark basement. 

She had several fine cuts on her body, was quite bloody, 

and appeared to have given up fighting. 

Les was lying face down, facing her. 

He admired her, caressing her face, and then leaned in for a kiss.

"Mother? What is it?" Miguel entered the room, breathless. "You wanted to see me?" 

"Good afternoon, Miguel," said Les, as if scolding him for having walked right past him. 

"Yes, yes. How are you?" he replied, but then turned back to me. His breathing was hurried, like someone who had been running a lot. "Tell me, mother, what is it?" 

"I need a favor. Come," I said, standing up. 

"Oh no! You won't leave me here alone!" protested Les. 

"Thank you for calling, Miguel. Have a good day." 

Simply hearing that sentence made Les smile from ear to ear. He was extremely pleased with this bizarre encounter.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara