Lilly's Intermission - Reflection time

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Hey! How's it going? It's me again.

I've been really enjoying our time together! =)

Some changes are on the horizon, so I wanted to take a moment to reflect on how things have been going.

Cesar, up until now, played the role of my guardian. Well, guardian in the sense that he ensured my existence, not necessarily shielding me from harm. (Feel free to draw your own conclusions on that one.)

As time went on, I couldn't help but notice Cesar's attractiveness, but his possessiveness prompted me to create some distance.

In an attempt to keep my distance, I turned my attention to Ian, the son of the company owner where I worked. He was good-looking, wealthy, and all, but we never really connected. I can't quite put my finger on why... Ian just served as a decent distraction.

And then there were my vampires! Oh, my lovely vampires!

There was Miguel, the guy with the long hair who behaved like a child. Guilherme, the charming one with wavy hair. Tavius, the English lord, and Klaus, the sensitive soul. Oh, and Velma, who never really trusted me.

But with these people around, everything felt right. I was content, finally experiencing happiness after grappling with Joe's sadness and its aftermath for so long.

After all this time, there in that sunny place, I felt genuinely happy with all those amazing individuals surrounding me.

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