You need to tell me something...

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I figured Vince would return eventually, so I took the opportunity to order room service for my laundry. I planned to stay in my robe until I had a reason to change. For meals, I made do with snacks, always opting for the cheapest options. In between, I passed the time watching TV.

After two days, I received a text from Vince saying he was on his way. I quickly changed into my only set of clothes and headed downstairs. When I arrived, I found Vince at the counter, looking over a document.

"Hi," I greeted him shyly. Vince glanced at me with a hint of annoyance and asked, "What have you been eating?"

"Just snacks, mostly. Why?" I replied innocently.

He took a deep breath and motioned for me to follow him. "Come with me," he said briskly.

I trailed behind him to the hotel restaurant. Once there, he asked me what I wanted to eat, and I admitted that I wasn't sure how to place an order. So, he took charge and ordered for us.

The dishes that arrived were delicious, each one better than the last. Seeing me devour everything, Vince remarked, "What have you been up to these days?"

"I've been watching a lot of TV," I admitted.

"Hmm," he responded thoughtfully.

"Do you think you could help me retrieve my things from my apartment? I left some stuff there," I asked tentatively.

"I don't think it's safe for you to go back there. Who were those guys, anyway?" Vince inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"It doesn't matter," I replied dismissively.

"Of course it matters! This is why you're here! You need to tell me something, Lilly," Vince pressed, growing more agitated.

Sensing his frustration, I decided to reveal part of the truth. "The angry guy... he's the one I cheated on."

"And things between you two are clearly not resolved," Vince observed, his anger palpable.

"It was with someone he really didn't like... so, in truth, he's more upset about who it was than the betrayal itself," I explained, hoping to justify my actions.

Vince was visibly upset. "Oh, Lilly. Why do you keep getting into these situations?"

"I don't know," I admitted helplessly.

"No, you do know, and you need to start giving me answers," he demanded, drawing attention from others nearby.

"Would you like to go upstairs and..." I started to suggest, but he cut me off.

"No, I want answers now," he insisted firmly.

"Look," I began, trying to explain, "he took care of me..."

"And you slept with him," Vince interjected, his tone accusatory.

"This is the first time I've had to fend for myself, and I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I had a job and a place to stay, everything was going well until he found out... and now, I have some money saved from previous jobs. He was slowly paying me back. That's why I need to go back. I need to reclaim that part," I confessed, hoping he would understand.

"He's probably waiting for you there," Vince pointed out.

"Maybe, but I... I don't know what to do. I know you're doing more than you should, but... I don't know where else to go," I admitted, feeling overwhelmed.

"You should be at home, with me, if you hadn't slept with Victor. What were you thinking? Why do you keep getting yourself into these situations?" Vince's frustration was evident.

"I wasn't thinking," I confessed, feeling guilty.

Vince signaled for the bill. "Thank you for everything you've done for me," I expressed my gratitude.

He simply nodded. "I'll swing by at the end of the week. If you figure out where to go, let me know."

"Okay," I agreed, feeling a mix of emotions.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now