Street food

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I had no idea what Ian had in mind, or I wouldn't have dressed up the way I did. He took me to a downtown fair, basically a food court. Not that I didn't enjoy it, but a heads-up would've been nice. At the very least, I wouldn't have worn heels.

His words were almost drowned out by the bustling crowd around us. I kept thinking, "This was a terrible idea..." until he pointed out some kind of typical food.

"Hmm... it looks delicious," I said, not putting much thought into it.

"Yes, it's our heritage from French cuisine... Would you like to try it?"


"Then wait here, I'll buy one for you," he said and disappeared into the sea of people around a tent. Perfect! Just what I needed – being alone in that crowded place.

Beside me, a popcorn seller was in a heated argument with a woman. It seemed funny, like two grumpy old folks bickering. But my attention was caught when the woman said something interesting:


"Vampyrs?" the man dismissed her, but she insisted. Intrigued, I moved closer to eavesdrop and translated their conversation:

"Yes, vampires! They're in the old house."

"And the kids are playing with them?"

"Not playing, studying! They're history students gathering data."

"Why not take them to the University then? More resources there."

"You can't play with the dead! One of them is already awake!"

"Bah! You're just a crazy old woman!" The man left to serve a customer, leaving the woman anxious.

"Sorry to intrude, but where is the old house?" I asked in their local language. The woman got excited and came over to share details.

"In an old neighborhood near the desert."

"But everything here is near the desert."

"It's in the flowers district, in an old French house. Four vampires live there. One of them is already awake."

"Awake? As in?"

"Here we are! I'm sure you'll like it!" Ian arrived, interrupting our conversation. The woman became suspicious and tried to disappear into the crowd.

"Who was that?"

"A lady telling me a story about an old house in the flowers district."

"Nah, she probably just wants to read your fortune or something. They all treat tourists the same. Now, try this snack."

Soon after, I asked Ian to drop me at the company. Despite his resistance, he agreed. When we reached the company, he got out of the car to talk.

"So, I guess this is it."

"Yes, I think so," I said, already looking for a nearby taxi.

"Hmm, Sarah?"

"Yes?" I asked, turning my attention to him.

"Do I get a goodnight kiss?"

I thought our unromantic walk would spare me from this moment, but apparently not. So, I decided to have some fun.

"My apologies, where are my manners..." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. A taxi arrived shortly, and I left, leaving him confused.

When I got home, Cesar was already asleep. Maybe that was for the best.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now