Things are different now.

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One afternoon at the office, we were being a bit cheeky and playful when he noticed a car approaching. His expression caught my eye, and when I looked, I realized it was Vince's car. Without a word, I excused myself and went to greet Vince. He didn't seem pleased and before I could step away, he took hold of my hand.

"Li, don't," he said. I knew exactly what he meant, but I decided to play dumb.

"Don't what?" I replied innocently.

"Things are different now. Enough of this," he insisted.


"Send him away," he demanded.

I was surprised by Cesar's assertiveness but chose to brush it off. I figured it might just be a passing mood and would blow over soon.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now