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I was awakened in the morning by Rony, who was seated beside my bed between Cesar and me. It felt as if he was running his hand through my hair, his gaze carrying a strange intensity.

"How is he?" I inquired, promptly rising to check on Cesar. His mouth remained open, stained heavily with blood, presumably from the laughter earlier. "He looks terrible."

Hurriedly, I rose to cleanse both my neck and Cesar's face, wiping away the blood and closing his mouth. However, my greater concern lay with Ron and his potential reaction.

"Please, don't tell him," I pleaded with Ron, who responded with a gesture implying secrecy.

Fortunately, Cesar appeared to be improving; the wound on his neck seemed shallower, and his recovery seemed imminent.

Later that day, while washing the dishes, Ron approached me and, out of nowhere, leaned in for a kiss.

"Rony, no!" I exclaimed, flinging the plate I was cleaning back into the sink. "What are you doing?!"

In that tense moment between Ron and me, amidst the piercing silence, we heard Cesar's return. Hastily, I rushed to the room to attend to him.

True to form, Cesar returned gasping for air, but it seemed something was obstructing his throat, causing him to cough immediately. I turned him onto his side, and Ron arrived with a bucket, just in time for Cesar to begin vomiting.

"Let it all out," Ron encouraged, holding the bucket, while I reassured Cesar, gently touching his back.

Cesar was highly agitated, appearing to struggle with something caught in his throat. He grabbed the bucket from Ron and staggered off the table, initially unsteady on his feet but then making swift strides toward the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

"What's happening?" I inquired, pondering if this was part of his recovery process. Ron, momentarily appearing irritated, responded, "Nothing, let's give it a minute."

Cesar turned on the shower and entered the bath, yet his coughing resonated throughout the house, audible from any corner.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now