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The vodka ran out, prompting me to fetch another bottle. Knowing the location of the bottles, I didn't bother turning on the light. I opened the door, grabbed a bottle, and squinted to verify it was the right one. Spotting a silver part of the packaging, I felt reassured. The house was bustling with guests that night, and I wondered how many more trips I'd make to the cellar for bottles. Pausing in the dim hallway, I debated whether to take two bottles instead of one.

In the darkness, I heard a voice and recognized it as Vince's friend, Victor. He was also in the hallway, calmly approaching me.

"Are you lost?" he asked.

"Should I bring a bottle or two to the party?" I inquired.

"Depends on how much you intend to drink," Victor replied, continuing to advance slowly. Despite being close enough to converse, he kept moving closer, revealing his true intentions.

I quickly assessed the situation. Markus seemed irritated with me, and Vince's intentions were unclear. It was the first time I ventured out without Cesar's protection, and I knew I needed to retreat. Given the uncertain situation at "home," making new friends seemed like a good idea.

"I think I'm..." I began, leaning against the wall as Victor reached for the bottle from my hand, "good."

He tucked the bottle away while wrapping his other hand around my waist.

"Good?" he inquired, drawing nearer.

"Yes, I..." And then Victor kissed me. His almond scent seemed to soothe me, as did his slow, intense kiss. I raised my hands, running one through his soft hair and the other over his short beard. "I'm fine," I managed to say amidst the kiss.

Victor pulled me closer, lifting me slightly off the ground. He tangled his hands in my hair too, but then pulled back, separating our faces. He kissed my neck delicately before returning to my lips.

I wondered how far things would escalate when we were interrupted by a familiar voice.

"What the fuck?"

I lacked the courage to look, but Victor raised his head calmly and asked, "Something wrong there, Vince?"

"Yeah, something's wrong! That's my girl!" Vince's words jolted me. Victor glanced at me, appearing neither confused nor angry. He remained composed as always, slowly backing away with his hands raised.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't know."

As Victor left, he remarked, "Some girl, eh, Vin?"

Then he departed, leaving me alone with Vince. Realizing escape was futile, I picked up the bottle and faced him.

"Pack your things. I'm putting you on the next flight back to your cave," Vince declared, already leaving.

"Vince, wait!" I called out, but he refused to listen, continuing to walk away. I followed him, pleading, "Vince!"

"Leave me alone," he snapped as he walked.

"Vince, please! Listen to me," I implored.

He turned around, anger evident in his expression. "I can't unsee what I have seen, Lilly, or Sarah, or whatever your name is."

"I know that, but please listen to me," I pleaded.

Markus approached, witnessing the commotion. "What is happening?"

"Nothing... I just need to talk to Vince."

"What's happening is I just caught her kissing Victor," Vince interjected.

"What?!" Markus exclaimed, his reaction even surprising Vince. "Do you have no limits?"

Shocked by Markus' extreme reaction, I looked at Vince, attempting to resume the conversation.

"Vince, we need to talk."

"No, we don't need to. You will be on the next flight back. Now, go pack your things."

"Vince, I'm so sorry!"

"Go! Go get your bags!" he shouted, so I decided not to press further. I retreated to my room and began packing my belongings.

The idea of going back terrified me. What awaited me there? Alone in a place where I barely knew the language, surrounded by chaos and mercenaries, enduring the pain of Cesar's contempt day after day. Markus entered just as I started to cry.

"Why did you do that, Lilly? Huh?" he questioned.

"I don't know..."

"Have you not considered the consequences?" he pressed.

Suddenly, Vince entered the room, already wearing his jacket and holding his car keys.

"Let's go," he instructed.

"Vince, please..." I begged, tears streaming down my face.

"What? No," he refused.

"Please..." I persisted.

"At least listen to what she has to say!" Markus pleaded.

"It's easy for you to say. No, let's go... I'm starting the car."

Vince exited and headed to the car. I followed and got in. Inside, I attempted to speak.


"I don't want to hear it," Vince cut me off.

So I remained silent, consumed by fear of returning to nothingness. I turned away and cried.

Halfway there, Vince pulled the car to the side of the road and asked, "You have to tell me what the hell is going on."


"Why are you crying so much?" he inquired. When I remained silent, he continued, "Are you afraid of going back?"

I shook my head in affirmation. "Why? What is waiting for you there?"

I didn't know where to start, but I attempted to summarize, "That's not really my house. I don't really know that place or the people there."

"And where is your house?"


"Oh, no, you're not from here. That much I know."

"I don't want to lie to you, but I also wouldn't want to tell you the whole truth. The important thing is, you're right, this isn't my original home, but it was for a long time."

"Speaking of the place I found you, what was that? An abandoned castle? What... what were you doing there?"

I took a deep breath and tried to summarize again, "I... got involved with some dangerous people, but I always had someone who protected me. Until the day... he didn't care anymore..." I broke down in tears.

"What happened?" Vince asked.

I cried and concluded, "The same thing that happened just now."

Vince understood everything and slumped back in his seat, opening the car window to breathe.

"But why do you do that? I mean... holy shit... that's fucked up!!"

"I know. I am really sorry."

"Don't you understand that what you do can hurt other people?"

"I know and I'm sorry if I hurt you. It's just... you didn't talk to me for a while and... I thought if maybe you were going to send me away, I could try to be with someone else... Then I wouldn't go back there..."

"To the cave?" I nodded in confirmation.

"Did you stay with Victor because you thought I was going to send you back? So he could keep you here?"

I nodded yes.

He pondered for a moment. I continued, "Look, I don't know what's going on... or what was going on between us, but... please don't send me back there. I'll get a job, soon I'll be able to find my own place, and I'll be out of your life. Please, Vince

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now