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It didn't take long, and one day the clerk called me, saying that a man was waiting for me at reception. It was Cesar, who hid his appearance from his few friends behind dark glasses.

"I brought your bag," he said, handing me a leather bag. I had never seen that bag before, and it was quite heavy. When I opened it, I saw several bundles of money inside. "Shall we go?" he continued.

So I checked out and got into a classic model car with him, one whose make I didn't dare try to guess. There was an air of refinement about it. Cesar was also well-dressed. As we drove off, there was a certain air of superiority about him. I wondered if this was all part of our new disguise.

And indeed, it didn't take long until we arrived at a small mansion. Yes, that was exactly the term.

"Cute, isn't it?" he said, though it was unclear what he meant to say.

I soon felt the familiar presence of...

"Ron!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, he will be staying with us for a while."

I didn't quite understand Cesar's comment, but I didn't pay much attention. As the car turned the corner, I saw Ron coming out of the house. He was dressed in cashmere and had styled his hair impeccably. I burst out laughing.

"Everyone has to join the dance, young lady. Including you," Rony remarked.

Cesar stopped the car, and I hurried over to Ron. I gave him a big hug and asked, "How are you?"

"I'm fine... as long as he's not upset," Ron commented as Cesar entered the house.

"That's cool. Lilly, come with me," Cesar said, ending the subject of Ron and asking me to follow him.

He gave me a tour of the house and eventually led me to the master suite.

"And this is the master bedroom," he continued, sitting on the bed to take off his shoes. I was momentarily unsure of what to do. I was about to go back to look for Ron when he continued, "The bathtub is ready for you. I took the liberty of choosing your outfit. You can change it if you don't like it. Your new clothes are in the closet."

Curious, I went to the bathroom, and indeed, everything was ready for a shower. I accepted without question. Apparently, I would have plenty of time to understand everything that was happening.

The clothes that Cesar had selected were beautiful and comfortable, visibly branded. When I emerged from the bathroom, there was a woman there, apparently waiting for me.

"Lilly?" she asked.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Hello, I'm Dani. I'm here to help you prepare and make sure you have everything you need."

"I'm fine. Thanks."

"You don't look... ready," she commented, smiling. "Would you allow me to help you dry your hair?"

"Of course," I answered, curious to see where this would lead.

Dani brushed my hair, did my makeup, and helped me with jewelry. Only after all this did she seem satisfied and let me go. Cesar had asked me to meet him in the dining room.

As soon as he saw me, Ron laughed loudly. "Now we're talking!"

Cesar was smoking a cigar by one of the living room windows. He glanced sideways at me and then looked outside again.

"Sit down," he said. "Dani will bring you a sandwich."


And that was more or less how the whole day went. Cesar gave orders, and I... obeyed. Ron would make a comment or two, poke fun at something here or there, but we spent the rest of the day relatively silently.

At night, Cesar mentioned, "In case you're feeling tired, the master bedroom is ready. I asked Dani to set something aside for you to wear."

I didn't take long, and I went upstairs. I soon saw that indeed, a beautiful black nightgown was waiting for me, and the bed was made. It was so comfortable that I fell asleep almost instantly.

I woke up to Cesar approaching. Once again, without saying a single word, we made love—this time, more intensely than the last. It felt like I was in a movie. Afterward, we fell asleep in each other's arms, without exchanging a word.

I woke up in the morning with Cesar sitting on the bed. He was already dressed formally and was finishing tying his tie, his back to me.

"Good morning," I said.

"I have a meeting this morning. If you need anything, ask Dani. I'll be back in time for lunch."

"Okay," I replied. He finished getting ready, gave me a kiss, and left.

During breakfast, I talked to Ron.

"So, what do you think?"

"What's happening?" I asked, making him laugh.

"Keep dancing, Poodle. Dance to the music. At least until we can understand it better."

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