Is this what he can do? ABANDON ME AGAIN?

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Sometimes it was agony when Cesar was away for long periods. I'd convince myself he had abandoned me again, and the pain was physical. I'd be in despair until I saw him once more.

I had a nagging suspicion he was testing me, watching my reaction. One day, I finally mustered the courage to speak up:

"Please, Cesar... don't... disappear... Please."

But he remained silent, his lack of response cutting me deeply.

His silence hurt so much that one day, I sat beside him on the porch, hoping to break through.

"Why won't you speak? Does it hurt when you try?" I asked, but he gave no indication of wanting to answer. Disheartened, I lowered my gaze and turned away in my chair.

"I feel like..." His voice broke the silence, the first time I'd heard it in so long. "There's nothing to talk about."

Stunned, I looked at him, while Ron rushed over, having heard Cesar's words too.

"Is he talking again?" Ron asked eagerly.

"No," Cesar replied, rising and leaving our company.

Feeling on the verge of breaking down, I retreated to my room, seeking solace in tears. His refusal to communicate hurt more than anything. Some time later, Ron came to sit beside me.

"Where is he?" I asked reflexively, momentarily thinking Ron was there to inform me of Cesar's whereabouts.

"He's outside training," Ron replied, confirming his presence for my sake. I began to cry again.

"Come on," Ron comforted, taking a seat on the bed. "Don't be like that."

"It's just... he won't talk..." I struggled to explain.

"I know, Li. I know," Ron attempted to reassure me. "We just need to give him more time. He'll come around. You'll see."

We sat there for a while until we heard his footsteps. As soon as I noticed him stop at the bedroom door, I wiped away my tears and offered, "Are you hungry? Would you like me to fix you something?" But he waved off my offer and headed for the shower.

Despite the tears shed in silence, another week passed. Then, one day, I couldn't bear it any longer.

During dinner, I decided to confront the situation.

"Cesar, please tell me what I did..." I started, but Ron intervened, sensing my intentions.

"...What was so terrible that you won't talk to me anymore?" I pressed on, ignoring Ron's plea.

"Leave him be," Ron insisted. "He'll speak when he's ready. Right, Cesar?"

I glanced at Cesar, but he refused to meet my gaze.

"ANSWER ME!" I screamed, slamming my hand on the table. Cesar stood and retreated to his room.

"What are you doing?" I continued shouting, following him.

"Lilian, wait," Ron implored.

"Why, Ron? What's the worst that could happen?" I cried out in desperation, watching Cesar gather his belongings. Without a word, Cesar made his way to the door.

"Is this what he can do? ABANDON ME AGAIN?" I screamed as Cesar left. Anger consumed me, and I screamed until I could scream no more. Ron embraced me, anticipating the inevitable wave of despair.

When I woke up the next day, the first thing I saw was Cesar sitting beside my bed, his expression crestfallen.

"Hi," I greeted him, signaling my wakefulness. "I'm sorry," I offered, reaching out to him. He took my hand, attempting to comfort me.

"I'm here, okay?" he finally spoke, his words the most wonderful sound to my ears.

Tears of joy streamed down my face as I embraced him tightly, reveling in his reciprocated embrace. It was an overwhelming happiness.

From the doorway, Ron watched us with a smile. Overcome with excitement, I said, "And I love you too, mister."

After that, Ron disappeared for a few days.

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